"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 18 April 2013

You keep saying that ...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Odds are not as they were": "The inclination is to be agreeable and do what the "people"want." An inclination, it must be said, that you have assiduously resisted. __________________________ I don't know why you say that.There's no logic in your contention. Aurora is a town of 55 thousand people. Why assume all of the people think alike all of the time. I've been elected more often than most. My judgement on issues is based on information before me, my knowledge of town business over almost half a century and judgement. I believe people voted me to be their voice based on what they know of me. If I cast the single negative vote on council, you may not assume it to be solitary in the community,attribute it to a lack of judgement or experience or a childish wish to be contrary. I work to fulfill the trust of the electorate. I do what's expected of me. Voting without fear or favor is my idea of conduct expected.


Anonymous said...

A majority vote implies will but is often more a blurring of lines. And a majority vote at a G.C to send an item for a check of feasibility, not a ' study ', does not tie councillors down. There still appears to be wiggle-room and sometimes that translate into a reversal of earlier intent. We have seen it often.

Anonymous said...

Councillor - please continue to look out for the taxpayers financial interests. If it does not represent good value continue on your path regardless of your detractors. It is clear that there are some on this council that will never be convinced that this is part of their mandate. Just look at the water rate (tax increase)as an example. The Mayor and a majority of councillors just sit back and listen to our $150,000/yr Director of Infrastructure report more increases coming and nothing we can do about it. Since we don't operate any water or wastewater treatment works and engineering work seems to be frequently outsourced maybe we don't need the Infrastructure department as it currently exists.

Anonymous said...

9:25am... A majority vote is a majority vote. It can not be any more clear than that. It implies more than half agreeed. Please stop trying to undermine the democratic process.

What would be more definative for you? Unanimous? 50% + 1? 75%?