Saturday 15 November 2008

Behind Closed Doors

Before this council term, in-camera meetings were occasional with perhaps one or two items on the agenda. Now, it's a regular event and the agenda grows ever longer. There are often items on the list which in my view, do not belong behind closed doors.

In the "Report Out" last week I chose a sample. Job evaluations are an administrative function. I said so behind closed doors. Not so, said the Mayor." Council is responsible.We need to be concerned about the taxpayers' dollar." The Mayor claims expertise in the field of job evaluations as well as all other credentials.

When the Agenda came up for approval in council, I repeated my position publicly. The Mayor called upon the Director of Corporate Services to "explain" to Councillor Buck why I was wrong. Mr. Panizza stated identifiable individuals could be discussed. I recall no names being mentioned.

With a block of votes aligned behind the Mayor, there's little purpose in pursuing any debate beyond a certain point. It's like spitting into the wind.

The fact remains, job evaluations are a function of the administration. The exercise is not about individuals. It is about jobs. The objective is to ensure equity.The process was mandated when the province committed to pay equity for women in the workplace several years ago.

The Mayor's failure to comprehend illustrates perfectly, why politicians should not be involved in the process. Ideally they should understand the purpose but there is nothing in the Elections Act that guarantees intellectual competence or even reading comprehension. That judgement rests entirely with the electorate.

Last Tuesday, staff held a Retirement Celebration for the Director of Corporate Services. His was a ring side seat for events of the past two years plus.. Notably the determined efforts of Mayor Morris, aligned with Councillor MacEachern to undermine the authority of our former Chief Administrative Officer John Rogers. In short to make his life a living hell.

On appointment, Mr. Rogers made a contract with the town which called for settlement if the association between the parties came to an end. The agreement would be void if Mr. Rogers resigned of his own accord or was terminated for cause

There could be little doubt in the mind of anyone witnessing the ongoing efforts to denigrate and humiliate the CAO, of the consequences of failing to obey the Mayor
without question.. Mr. Rogers was spared nothing. Yet he endured.

Nothing daunted, the doughty pair, Morris and her chief cohort, proceeded to the second option. They were only half successful. Mr. Rogers did eventually leave the Town Hall under escort but WITH the settlement from his contract secure.

We are now witnessing the final effort to obscure the reality of how the evil plot was accomplished; THE REPORT OF UNAUTHORISED SPENDING.

The time I spend at the town hall is limited mostly to Council and Council-in-Committee meetings. Dates and times are set by Bylaw to deal with the Corporation's business. Unless something useful is being accomplished, I do not stay beyond the hour of adjournment
.I do not attend in camera meetings if I believe items are improperly being addressed in secret..

Since Mr. Roger's departure, agendas are substantially less.. Staff reports have undergone a metamorphosis and not for the better. I am told the town hall is like a morgue. Now we hear through comments to Blog, Councillor Wilson spends time in various departments directing tirades against individual staff members. I do not doubt it.

Rumour has it the Mayor has informed staff she has a list of people who will be gone before the end of this term and others should be careful of their associations

If only a fraction of what I hear is true, Aurora Town Hall is a workplace from Hell. The gelatinous make-up of council makes change impossible. Being a part of it, knowing what is going on and being powerless to change it, is a hard row to hoe.

But it helps to talk about it and know you are listening.


  1. Yes, the Mayor does have a hit list. Once she's done decimating the town hall I wonder what her next goal will be. World domination? She's like a crazy comic book villian. Hard to believe she thinks she can really do these things. How do we stop her?

  2. And as for Bob Panizza, PM has been waiting for his retirement since she came on board as mayor.
    Good for him to be able to leave with his head held high.
    I'm sure PM will be holding the door for him and waving good-bye with glee.


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