Sunday 16 November 2008

What Can We Do?

Anonymous comment : (November 16, 2008 10:39 AM)

Yes, the Mayor does have a hit list. Once she's done decimating the town hall I wonder what her next goal will be. World domination? She's like a crazy comic book villain. Hard to believe she thinks she can really do these things. How do we stop her?

It is not hard to believe at all. She is doing it. How do we stop her? The gelatinous council is an unlikely resource.

There is no Chief Administrative Officer. It is that officer's responsibility to stand between the town's employees and politicians who don't know their ankle bone from a hole in the ground.

There is no solicitor to receive a complaint of harassment.

In a matter of days, the Director of Corporate Services will be a person with no background whatsoever in the town's affairs.

The Manager of Human Resources might be the person to go to for advice on unfair labour practice. But she is absent on long term disability leave.

There is the Code of Conduct. It has a clause that prohibits politicians from harassing employees, but since the persons doing the bullying and intimidation, are the ones who passed the Code of Conduct, I wouldn't put much store on that instrument.

The only other resource I can suggest is The Ministry of Municipal Affairs . They may have some responsibility. They are the ones who gave us the four year term of office. At the very least, they should be made aware of the negative impact of the change in this particular neck of the woods.

In the meantime we will just keep letting people know what's going on in their name, behind the scenes in the Aurora Town Hall.


  1. so if I were to go ahead and contact someone at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs - I guess I should be prepared to find another job, first of all - but how could anyone make someone else understand what's going on? It all sounds too crazy. I hate my job. Thanks for listening.

  2. There must be some kind of whistle-blower way that a Town employee can bring forth ethical or criminal behaviour to the Ministry of Municopal Affairs?
    I wouldn't expect anyone to risk losing their job, but it must be hard for them to sleep at night when the witness the shenanigans at the Town Hall.


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