Friday 2 October 2009

About Candidacy

There is a set time and process for registration as a candidate. One must attend upon the Clerk. Satisfy requirements for eligibility. Swear an Oath . And pay a fee.

There is a time for registrations to close. There are no candidates until registration closes..The ballot is established at that point.

A person can show interest and serious intent before then without committing. My point is it's wise to do so. It's never time wasted.

On the other hand, a mayoralty contest needs to be established before then. Ms Morris succeeded because there were three people in the race. More voted against her than for her.

The term did not begin with the head of the council enjoying majority support nor can it be imagined the situation has improved since that time.

In the event we have three candidates again, it is vitally important the community should be familiar with each to be able to make an informed choice.

Letters to the editor provide an understanding of a person's perspective on any given issue.

My supporters voted for me without necessarily always agreeing with my position. Being forthright is appreciated as a mark of mutual respect. I think a candidate owes that to the voters.

The right to disagree is the essence of freedom.

It does take courage but it is well- invested.


  1. “Letters to the editor provide an understanding of a person's perspective on any given issue

    Not only letters to the editor but also the other forms of media such as this blog.

    “My supporters voted for me without necessarily always agreeing with my position. Being forthright is appreciated as a mark of mutual respect. I think a candidate owes that to the voters.

    The right to disagree is the essence of freedom”

    And we thank you for it. Perhaps some of the other councilors will take notice.

  2. Anonymous indeed2 October 2009 at 21:52

    Yes, you know where you are with Councillor Buck.
    I think I might vote for her next time!

  3. Countdown to Nov 20103 October 2009 at 18:57

    My fear if anyone declares their intention to run for council too early is that they will become targets of the GOS before they have even signed the forms.
    The Mayor and her co-horts will do their level best to discourage any potential candidates that don't agree with them.
    By all means potential candidates need to get a public profile and educate themselves on council matters. They just don't need to make themselves a target for abuse before we've had a chance to get them on council!

  4. The Mayor is already campaigning ...but in a very subtle way. How else do you explain her trips to the Aurora Market where she hangs around schmoozing with the shoppers, keeping gatekeeper Granger company and of course chatting up George St. Kitt's front person and marketer Sher. At most town farmers markets the politicans if they make an appearance show up symbolicaly make a purchase and then leave. They know a local farmers market should not be used for campaigning. Not our Mayor! She knows the market is a safe haven to get her name and face out there. Since Municipal Politics is all about name recognition she has found a spot where the uninformed will remember her plastic smile and associate her name with the pleasant experience at the market.Unfortunately we are dealing with a very devious cunning Mayor!


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