Friday 2 October 2009


The $400,000 price tag was in the Engineer's report we paid for, the price of which was not included in the report and come to think of it, the resolution authorising the expenditure wasn't there either.

The point about Councillor Gallo's comment is probably right. It seems the Councillor is of the opinion from Mormac and his seat- mate Wilson, that if an argument has been presented in committee, it should not be re-stated in Council.

The premise is factually incorrect.

The debate that matters is the one conducted at the Council meeting, prior to the vote..

General Committee recommends. Council decides. It's the reason, in a consolidated agenda, a Councillor has authority to call for an item to be separately discussed and vote


Any person contemplating putting their name forward for election in 2010, would be wise to start attending council meetings now.It is not too soon. It's the only way to become conversant with current issues and be able to speak to voters with a measure of confidence.

People like to see evidence of prior interest, knowledge and relevant ideas.

There is work to be done before coming out of the blue and registering as a candidate.

The vote is precious .Personal representation is valued. It is a mark of respect that's expected.

Aurora deserves the best.

1 comment:

  1. Countdown to Nov 20102 October 2009 at 14:31

    You make a good point, Councillor Buck, for potential candidates to start attending council and general commmittees.
    I would advise against potential candidates declaring themselves too early.
    Take a leaf out of Mrs. Morris' book - wait til the last minute when your competition least expects it!


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