Saturday 21 November 2009

Budget Saturday Number Two

Most families find Saturday best for historical events; weddings, funerals, memorial services etc. First things come first.

Around Christmas, Saturday becomes meaningful for families for other reasons.

I missed the first budget Saturday. Capital projects were the Agenda. An entire day was scheduled. It didn't get done.

A Special Committee Meeting was held last Monday to provide answers to queries that arose during the all-day meeting. At ten-thirty, that agenda was still only half done.

To-day's Agenda was the Operating Budget. It was due to start at 9.a.m. It didn't until 9.20 a.m.

When I came into the Chamber, Councillor Granger was talking The Mayor had started the meeting by inviting each Council Member to relate what they were hearing from people in the community.

Around ten-thirty a.m. we got to the first item on an Agenda scheduled to begin at Nine

The Treasurer was first up. He provided an outline on how the tax rate is formulated to raise funds needed to cover forecaste expenditures.

It's not complicated. The assessment base is multiplied by a factor to come up with the total. The factor is determined by the amount required. That's the tax rate, or in old- fashioned terms, the mill rate.

The Treasurer is, of necessity, a person of many years experience. He is likely to have explained the process at least once a year throughout his career.

Undoubtedly, he has faced many councils and dozens of individuals gazing toward him seeking enlightenment; people of variable levels of experience and knowledge. The language must perforce be clear and simple.

This morning , in fifteen minutes, he completed the basic premise of how the calculation is made, paused hopefully and prepared to move forward.

Alas, not so fast. Councillor Gaertner had a question.

The Councillor is entering the fourth year of a second term of office. The first term was three years. This is the seventh budget within the two terms.

"I do not understand " she said. "Could you please explain it again"

"What part ?" asked the Treasurer.

"All of it" said the Councillor " From the beginning."

"Oh My God" I said, in profound and prayerful exhortation.

I decided it was optimum time to have coffee.

"Profanity" called out the Mayor to my back , "is out of order Councillor Buck".

It wasn't profanity running through my head in that moment in time.


  1. Not sure why you were 'surprised' by Wendy Gaertner's continuing obtuse behaviour.If you review the film of the Nov 10 Council Meeting two of her first three forays into debate were prefaced by "I don't understand" or "I am confused".
    I spot checked two other meetings and found where she didn't preface with one of these statements, jibberish characterized her questions. Now we all know Ms. Gaertner means well. She is especially revered by the "Save Wells Street School crowd" , but lets get real she does not have the entry level knowledge to sit on a town council deciding on at times complex issues.She is too simple a person.Easily swayed by a controlling Mayor.
    My two favourite Gaertner moments were the recent question about the time of the ceremony on Rememberance Day and her fight with Ms. Morris against holding out of town orientation meetings for a new council.Of course when Ms. Morris was faced with the opportunity to go to the Regional Council retreat she deviously asked her new council to approve her trip. Interestingly her original partner against offsite meeting voted to allow Ms. Morris to go.So easily played by our MAyor.Such a simpleton!
    Until voters realize there must be some substance behind the candidates they vote for, council dysfunction will continue. Ms. Gaertner is the poster child.

  2. ANOTHER call about profanity? What hypocrisy!! Anyone who observes council meetings is aware of the mayor's choice language when the mic is off and it does not include the word God... far worse.
    I am sick to death of her self-righteous, holier-than-thou attitude. Did she have a "road to Damscus" experience at the recent prayer breakfast or something?

  3. Broderick is absolutely right.
    Gaertner is well-meaning but in way over her head. Time for her to move on if she hasn't nailed this council thing after seven years!
    And I've heard the mayor swear like a sailor, so when did she get so high and mighty? Oh, yeah, I forgot. When she declared herself queen of council.

  4. Cllr Buck, I'm glad you wisely profferred an apology when put on the spot tonight. You did it for the right reason, to avoid expulsion rather than for any feeling of contrition.

    While I'm sure the MorMac faction was pleased to force the 'mea culpa', you did deny Morris the victory of kicking you out had you refused. I'll bet she could just taste it!

    However, you must have felt like saying, "I am sorry - sorry that you're stupid."


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