Sunday 22 November 2009

A Snippet

It is not quite four in the morning.

I have a habit of going to sleep in my big comfy leather chair. By the time I awaken and hie to bed, I have already had my best sleep and my mind tends to be active.Sometimes, there is nothing for it but to unload some of the thoughts churning around inside my skull.

The budget is being discussed this way and that. The Mayor constantly reminds everyone by a variety of strategies, of the need to be mindful of taxpayers concerns about high taxes.The strategy itself is particularly exasperating. In that it is a relative distortion of reality.

The Knowles Crescent matter re-asserted itself around 2.30a.m

I am now sipping a cup of half insipid chocolate and half robust cocoa and sitting in front of my computer. I have this to offer:

Knowles Crescent is a street of fifty-nine homes. When $69 thousand was handed out in cheques in time for Christmas to five or six homeowners a couple of years ago, that represented more than the Town's share of the tax bills of every one of the fifty-nine homes on the street.

And one of those driveways didn't get paved. Not even the town-owned portion.

My hot chocolate/cocoa is finished. Maybe now I can get some sleep.


  1. The last driveway was paved last week or the week before.

    19 Knowles is no longer gravel

  2. Um....there are 45 houses on Knowles Crescent.

    I know I used to deliver the Banner to each and every one of them for close to 10 years...


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