Sunday 21 February 2010

In Effigy

Leisure Services Advisory Committee held something of an effigy lynching party in absentia last Thursday evening.

The Mayor sent party food and refreshments in appreciation of the committee's effort to produce a duplicate plan in contradiction of the original and celebrate the success of their endeavour.

Under discussion was my letter to the editor on the choice of two Master Parks and Recreation plans. One being a final draft, stamped all over with the author's identity, completing ten months of professional work obtaining community input, compiling statistical data and arriving at specific conclusions therefrom.

The second, a completely non-professional effort, bearing no author's name, using the consultant's compilation of community input and factual statistical data and contriving different conclusions

$53,222 worth of public investment. blatantly and deliberately sabotaged for political purposes
with non-elected members of an advisory committee being jerked on strings in the hands of completely visible puppet masters.

At the party, non- elected members were encouraged one by one, to proclaim their indignation at the ignorance and audacity of an elected representive of the people to provied critical comment.

Sher St. Kitts was also on hand to introduce her "assistant" paid for with town funds, to do the work connected with the July 1st Parade. The town has provided $15,000. to Miss St Kitts to pay for the event. $2,000 was earmarked to remunerate said assistant.

At the beginning of the term, annual seed money from town coffers for the July 1st parade was
$1,500. Prior to 2009, a fund-raiser complete with silent auction was held at the Aurora Legion to provide the real financial support for the entirely volunteer effort.

In 2009 however funds raised only covered the cost of the event.No actual accounting was made. The event was alternately described as having been an "awareness" party.

Scant weeks later, On July 21st 2009, the Mayor held another little appreciation gathering complete with cake honouring Ms. St. Kitts and her amazing accomplishment.

1 comment:

  1. Watch the next silly sham be a citizen of the year celebration for someone who cannot provide accounting for parades .


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