Monday 22 February 2010

The Mayor Has Spoken

In the local newspaper, the Mayor is quoted that "she and her colleagues have since ordered their counsel to launch another appeal" in the Westhill development application.

Thereby lies a tale.

I have told how the fourth lost decision appeared as an addendum to the agenda at the last council meeting. Provided for information, it allowed also for the addition of a closed door meeting to receive further solicitor/client advice.

There was no prior indication that solicitor/client advice was necessary at this stage of the cockamamie, fourth time failed exercise. But that's how things are manipulated in the Mormac regime.

Initially the meeting was a non-stop flow of talk from the Mayor. Input was eventually invited from the solicitor.

Finally permitted to speak, councillors turned the discussion in a different direction at which point, the solicitor was asked to leave the room.

It has occurred to me since, the publicly stated purpose of the meeting left the room at the same time as the solicitor.

During the few minutes of his absence and after invited intervention from other than the solicitor, direction changed again.

All of which leads to this morning's delicious dilemma.

I know of no clause in the Municipal Act, the Procedure Bylaw, Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct
or any other instrument of ensuring purity in politics, which requires me to be complicit in broadcasting a tale which is not factual throughout the community

Though the decision to launch another appeal was relayed to the proponent's solicitor, the day before the closed session of council. And the quote from the Mayor came prior to Council reporting out from the closed session and could be considered a "leak"

Mayor Morris' "colleagues did not agree to launch another appeal" on behalf of "citizens in need"

It was not the intention of the majority.

When the decision is reported out, as directed, and ratified by Council ,then it will be known whether the majority will allow themselves once again to have been manipulated by Mayor Morris and associated handlers.


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