Thursday 6 May 2010

Legal Costs

On April 14th I once again sought, through proper channels, to obtain costs of the town's legal services for the years 2007/8/9/10.

I was informed they were being prepared and would be ready in two weeks. Three weeks later. Nothing .

Though costs are not available, we have recent experience of service provided.

On Tuesday, during Council in Committee, Mr. Roger Beaman,solicitor, arrived at the Town Hall between seven and eight o'clock.He was present for a consultation with Council in an in-camera meeting following Council in Committee.

Councillor Gallo was in the chair. He started the meeting on time and in good humour. He said he had made a bet with Councillor McRoberts, the meeting would be over in thirty minutes.

There were seven items on the agenda. Councillor Wilson indicated he wished to speak to six.

The meeting lasted an hour.

When I left the Town Hall at ten-thirty, Mr. Beaman was there still.

The solicitor's travel time would start when he left his office located on Bay Street. Consult time would likely be no less than three hours.

The question finally decided on Tuesday has been four times before Council in closed session. Mr. Beaman has been in attendance at least twice. Lengthy letters have also been submitted.

How many telephone conferences with the Mayor are unknown at this time.

I saw one on an invoice, at the beginning of the Westhill issue (March 2008) which lasted fifty minutes The time drew my attention.

I remember thinking..... Oh My God, that was a $475 conversation.

I think that may be the rationale that legal invoices have not been made available to me...or anyone else.

The first time Tuesday's agenda item was on the table, Council had received a letter providing three options for way and means of reimbursing opposing neighbours for their expenditures to seek a consolidated board hearing to protect their interest.

We were informed the residents had decided, after three unsuccessful proceedings , to abandon their quest. As they had a right to do. As they had a right to start it Separate and independent of the Municipality to defend their private interest.

It was not our business to know.

I made it clear then in my opinion, the item had no business being discussed behind closed doors. The Town has a policy for considering grant applications. It does not provide for secret deliberation.

I said so publicly at the time. I have said so since.

The matter has subsequently morphed into something other than a grant application. I have not been persuaded.

On Tuesday night, at the table, were two solicitors; the town solicitor and Mr. Beaman. The Chief Administrative Officer was present also and the Municipal Clerk as recording secretary.

Much of the meeting was taken up with matters other than the issue on the agenda. Disorderly, mildly describes the proceedings. Degrading for all present is without exaggeration.

In staff reports to Council, there's a section which refers to Financial Impact:

I believe the financial tally for this particular exercise was thousands, possibly, tens of thousand of dollars.

Time spent on Tuesday in totally reprehensible and chaotic disorder, with the clock ticking and the tally mounting was of no benefit to any person present.

To argue service to the community is without merit or integrity.

1 comment:

  1. Call me suspicious or cynical but when I am aware that council meeting minutes do not always match what I heard on video coverage of said meetings, I would not put doctoring the legal costs past this regime. After all it is getting closer to the election and this question just has not gone away. If ever there was a cue for smoke and mirrors, this is it!


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