Wednesday 5 May 2010


I was home last night in time for Becker and David Letterman. I was so glad to see the conflicted New York City, store front doctor and his zany friends. They certainly help to put things into perspective

Aurora's General Committee meeting started at 7p.m. Ended an hour later. Then the real fun began. It was the fourth session on the same issue. That's how long it took for the Mormac twins to get the decision they wanted.

You won't know about it for another two weeks. The Mayor wants to "see what happens" in the meantime.

Things are definitely becoming frayed to the point of frenzy around the edges.

Considerable time was spent discussing my blogs and confidentiality.They were not items on the agenda.

There were two lawyers on hand. They didn't talk about blogs.

The Procedural Bylaw and Code Of Conduct were referenced.

Well, you should have seen the conduct. Not much there to commend the Code.

If I ever had any illusion that code was intended as an instrument for good, I would certainly have lost it last night.

I snapped after about ninety minutes and said a bad word.

If I were still at the Age of Reason, I would certainly have a sin to confess.

But not a crime.

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