Sunday 30 May 2010

The Mallards Came Back

At dusk last night. But they aren't there this morning. They must still be looking for a place to nest.

Much was accomplished in the garden yesterday and on Friday evening. It's just about perfect for sitting now. But I do have some plants I bought on Friday that should go into the ground earlier rather than later.

So today's story is a short one, I think. I never know when I start it, where it will go and how it will end. Sometimes it takes a most surprising twist.

Yesterday I wrote somewhat about the grand plan for Morris' re-election. This is a little side snippet.

At the opening of the Church Street School, I met a former library board member, now a member of the Church Street school board.

We were on the library board together for three years. I moved his name forward for special recognition. We had many friendly chats.

On the night of the opening, he greeted me and introduced himself. He reminded me we had been on the library board together for three years and did good work to-gether.

I listened to the rest of his comments to catch signs of any one of the following:

Was he treating me like a person who had lost her wits because he believed that to be so?

Had he himself lost his wits poor thing ? He's not much more youthful than I am myself.

Or was the entire performance a colossal insult to my intelligence ?

The last was the least likely. I knew him as a man of manners and style.

His conversation bore no sign of confusion.If he had lost his wits it wasn't evident.

That left only one conclusion. He was speaking to me as if I had no recollection of recent events. Why would he make that assumption without having had a conversation with me since the night of the award I put his name forward to receive. He probably never knew that.

The obvious answer was, he made no such assumption. Someone must have told him I had lost my wits.

Now, who would that be?

Who has spent more than forty months and tens of thousands of tax dollars in legal fees to shut down this blog ? And failed. Now Plan 2 is obviously being brought to the fore and propelled by force.

Well, we all know who. Let's all give a friendly wave

Yoohoo!!! Yoohoo!!!!

1 comment:

  1. May I ask if the name of the person you refer to is Milton Hart by any chance?


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