Sunday 30 May 2010

While I think About It

I only have a four more packs and a geranium to plant. They are in the shade and I wet them again. So they can wait another wee while.

I remembered something I need to tell you.

I was not elected until my third try.I was second from the bottom of the table. But I didn't much care about that. We had two year terms. When I started it was one year. There wasn't that much time between the first time and the third. Enough though, to add a couple of members to my family.

When my first term ended, I wasn't thinking about moving up the table.

We had offices of Mayor, Reeve and Deputy Reeve.. These last two were the town's representation on County Council. It was the last before the Region was created.

The Reeve's office was open . No incumbent.

Stew Patrick and Jack Williamson declared themselves in the running for it.

As I said, I wasn't paying much attention to the top of the table. Until I heard both candidates were canvassing my neighbourhood and telling my neighbours they shouldn't vote for me in the upcoming election.

Well, of course I heard about it.

Is that so, I thought. Not without indignation. I was like that in those days.

I decided, if I'm going to have to run against those two, I might as well compete for the same office.

So I did.

They were veteran councillors.

I was a newby.

I beat them both. Got more votes than the two of them put together.

Come election night....watching the votes coming was like things were happening exactly how they were supposed to.

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