Tuesday 14 December 2010

Has The Procedural Bylaw been adopted?

A Bylaw is a Bylaw Is a Bylaw. A Bylaw on the books is the law of our small section of the land until it is changed. It includes all manner of things; like the Calender of Meetings for the upcoming year. Places, dates and times are set by Bylaw so that all may know when the town's business will be conducted. They must be on held on a regular basis in the same place at the same time.

Meetings held outside the schedule are Special Meetings. The format of the agenda will reflect the special purpose of the meeting.

Council must re-constitute committees at the beginning of a term Except for statutary committees. which are; Committee of Adjustment or Variance Committee, Accessibilty Committee and Library Board.The Joint Fire Service Committee is also constituted according to an agreement between the two municipalities of Aurora and Newmarket.

All other committees are subject to review and should be, to determine their continuing function. There is no statutary requirement for advisory Committees.

Council may also wish to review the Rules of Order if only to understand how the rules are interpreted and make changes which may be needed to comply with provincial regulations or might be preferable from a new perspective.

We have plenty of work ahead of us. I think we need to look for ways to streamline the operation for both economy and effectiveness and look for better ways to allow everyone who wants to participate. to have the opportunity and keep things moving along lickety-split.

1 comment:

  1. One of your major issues in the past has been the size of the current procedural bylaw (too big) and how it does not work to your satisfaction. What is the process to change that?

    It seems to me that as long as you complain about it, it does not change. If it does not change, what's the point in complaining anymore?


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