Tuesday 14 December 2010

Responding Again

Since my blog is being read it's reasonable to assume readers are on line. The Procedural Bylaw is posted on the town's web-site. The whole thing can be read there.

I've always found bylaws and regulations easier to understand if related to a particular situation. You know that old phrase; for example;

In January, Council will have the off-site orientation.The agenda will be prepared by staff.

Staff have to follow through with the direction of council. They are the ones to identify problems with procedure and recommend changes to help things function better.It's a wise Council that listens to staff experience.

We've wasted much time and goodwill in the past four years arguing about the rules. Nobody came out of it looking good. Although I love words,I'm a great believer in rules being brief and concise. They are easier to learn, understand and retain. It takes little time to be able to cite the rules verbatim.To hear them in your head when you need to make a mental check.

Interrupting a speaker on a point of order, when it's really about disagreement, is really about harassment. If done deliberately to put the speaker off point.the practice is not conducive to good order or collegiality. Lord knows most Councils need all they can get of that.

Marshalling one's ideas, waiting to be recognized, re-arranging thoughts to respond to argument,takes discipline and control. Being interrupted, for the sake of interruption, is hard to accept with equanimity. I don't. I frankly admit. It pisses me off. Engenders all kinds of nasty thoughts and creative monickers.

Rules of Order are not something to be disputed. They must be agreed upon. It's another reason we adopt the Procedural Bylaw anew each term.


  1. Responding again, again14 December 2010 at 15:23

    I have looked for many times the online version of the Procedural Bylaw. Unless you have a direct link, it is not there. This has been discussed in the past when you have quoted that the Procedural Bylaw says .....

    I agree, "for example". You quote something that we are supposed to take for granted. Show me!

  2. Will Wendy be going to the off-site orientation? She has been against them in the past and indeed
    boycotted the last one held off-site.

  3. Knowledgeable in Aurora15 December 2010 at 07:32

    Re Wendy and the offsite meeting - I was wondering that myself. Please tell us Evelyn how that discussion went last night.

    And, remember, although she and PM made sure there was no offsite for the 2006 Council, Wendy did vote to allow PM to attend the Region's offsite.

  4. Knowledgeable in Aurora15 December 2010 at 07:39

    Evelyn & Responding again, again:

    The Procuedural bylaw used to be on the website, but around the time it was getting a lot of discussion in the last Council about non-residents being permitted to speak at open forum, it disappeared. I presume PM had it removed so that it would be much more difficult for anyone to check her numerous procedural gaffs. Perhaps a motion Evelyn to have it put back would be in order.


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