Monday 28 February 2011

Who Me?

Spider meet Web has left a new comment on your post "Enough Already":

I can't help but imagine you rubbing your hands with glee.


When a person lives a long life,  there have  likely been  close encounters with several generations of one's  own  family at the very least.

I attended the funeral of Lew Gloin last week. Listened to his son talk in celebration of his father's life. Instead of thinking about their  sorrow, I thought how  fortunate  his children were  to have had such a father for such a long time and how his  memory will sustain them for the rest of their lives.

I came home in a reflective mood. Ah well, I thought most of us probably have done  the best we can given the circumstances. None of us can afford to be critical of another because we have no  idea of their given circumstances.

I tend to be more interested than critical of how  people handle life.

Except when they reach out and clobber me when I am just doing the best I can with the tools I have been given.

I have not been blessed with saintly qualities.I have no inclination towards  martyrdom. My grandmother intoned  once when I was quite young, a line from a Yeat's poem.

                               The Great Gaels of Ireland, whom the Gods made mad
                               For all their wars are merry and all their songs are sad.

I have to tell you, if someone presents themselves, with sword blade flashing, ready to remove my capita,I will  drop the whip  and shoot him between the eyes with my pistol every time.

Yes...... I admit it .......I stole that scene from  Harrison Ford's Movie,  Raiders of the Lost Ark.

In turn ,the  movie directors may have stolen it from a small fiction  written by Winston Churchill when he  was  a very young soldier in the British Army, north of the Khyber Pass...By Jupiter.

I have never been introduced to Mr. Leonard. Did not know him by name.  Never had a conversation with him at any time. Had no reason to cross words with the man

He took that upon himself. Pretty much like Councillor Ballard is doing.



  1. It's what we all love about you Evelyn , Over the years you've shown time and again you can take a punch or two ,but by god, you can dish it out even better, Keep it up!!!!

  2. And that's what I love about councilor Ballard, whatever his game is this clearly isn't it, but he doesn't see what an imbecile he is when he opens his mouth or smashes his blackberry with his head in his attempt to summon a response.

  3. To Anonymous
    When was the head/blackberry smashing incident and in reference to what?
    I wish someone (the mayor, the CAO, the clerk, anyone) would ban electronic devices from council meetings.
    Not only is it rude but they have no place at the table when town business is being discussed. I pay taxes and vote so that full attention is given to how my money is spent.

  4. To Anonymous 4:06 PM

    Ahhh, but then Ballard and Gaertner would have to resort to other communication methods with MorMac and Walmer during the proceedings. Perhaps telepathy.

  5. To Anonymous 7:37
    Telepathy sounds like a perfect method for Gaertner who permanently seems to operate on a different plane from the rest of us. Hers is the "out to lunch" plane.


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