Wednesday 30 November 2011

It Was Indeed A Stylish Affair

I was an invited guest at a town hall  last night.  Awards were being presented. I was aware  the date of the  annual event had been changed but little else.

Councillors normally have a role role in the program  and are informed beforehand.

I wasn't paying much attention so I didn't think of it until I got to the town hall.

I was greeted as a stranger by strangers in  theatrical costumes . Councillor Humphryes was by the  Chamber door, clearly in an official capacity. The Mayor was there as well, in  white tie and tails.

As I encountered various councillors, I asked if they knew  anything about the program. Councillor Abel said he had attended a dress rehearsal in the morning. Well, I thought, that's new. What else don't I know?

Councillor Gallo didn't know any more than I didn't know. I kept going  and found Councillor Ballard who was also as much in the dark as myself.

Finally I encountered  Rick, the smiling face behind the reception desk in the evening, who prepares the council chamber for meetings, tidies up afterwards and takes care of security. He was busy with preparations but he went off to inquire. He came back and said  councillors should  find seats in the gallery.

Programs were handed out. The audience was smaller than  usual.  The chamber floor  was  set up differently with red carpet and all.

The event proceeded.  Only volunteer awards were  presented.

Videos were shown  on the two screens at the back of the chamber.

Nominators  gave  the background for  winning  nominees.  It was very nice.

It became obvious  the audience was made up of  winners and other nominees. The Mayor commended the organizing committee of  communications division staff , chaired by Councillor Humphreys.

Finally it dawned on me. The event was by invitation.I was an invitee.

It was a very nice  affair but  something about it didn't sit right.

Later I  expressed  as much  to Theresa, my daughter.  It  was a public event in a public place.  It should not have been by  invitation.

"Things change, mother" she responded archly.

No, I thought. Some things do not change.

But  conscious of my  super critical bent that must be kept in check. I said no more and  sat down  to watch  television. 

When I wakened later,  I was no  longer in  doubt.

The town hall and town resources can not be used that way.

Either the people who pay for the whole shebang get to attend  or there can be no shebang

It will not be me who tells  the community, awards were presented in their name, in their town hall   organized by staff on their payroll  and they were not welcome at the party.

Doing it while planning to increase taxes adds insult to injury.


  1. Maybe they figure we can just see the photos in Snap
    Aurora. The Mayor's relationship with saying 'no' to
    unnecessary expenditure looks more and more like Al
    Wilson's promise to cut taxes. Easy come, easy go.

  2. I too find it interesting how an exclusionary event like this happens in the same chamber that Clr. Ballard has written in his blog over concerns of lack of public engagement during the budget process.

    If the town didn't want us tax-paying riff-raff to attend I wonder why they didn't consider using the Cultural Centre for this invitation only event, after all they own it and pay $500,000 a year to run it.

    Perhaps it would have coincided nicely with this weekend's elitist $90/ticket "night of brown-nosing".

    This isn't part of the "aura", and certainly does nothing to strengthen our community.

    "things change" sounds more like the excuse given for why we don't have a museum, but instead some fanciful notion of "museology".

  3. Christopher,
    You actually read Ballard's Blog ? Can you give us an
    estimate of how many do ?

  4. I was interested in a recent twat he posted in regards to the budget sessions and checked in on his blog . Although I'm not privy to metrics of traffic for his blog perhaps his presence in other social media channels will give you some indication of his following. Particularly his twitter feed of 103 (a mix of individual and businesses) and his facebook page which gets no traffic or discussions.

    Conversations that arise here on Clr. Buck's blog are non-existent in Clr. Ballard's streams.

  5. Sorry, don't know how to use C>C website
    Wasn't Ballard going to help clear the Former's name ?
    I hadn't heard anything since back in June.
    Maybe Christopher should have a basic entry level
    for people like me who haven't got beyond Evelyn and
    e-mails to patient relatives ?

  6. A few people have told me that Ballard was 'normal'
    when he worked for Ron Wallace. None of them had any
    explanation for today's version. Is it a slow process or
    did it happen quickly.

  7. Ballard worked for Wallace?


    When was that, back in his cub scout reporter days?

  8. To Mr.Watts

    He was the fill-in editor a couple of years back when Ron was on vacation.

    It was also the issue that former Mayor had a multitude of photos.

    Coincidence...I think not.

    I had a great conversation with him about the goings on in the town at that time.

    I was still writing my column at that time.

    He replied something about how people only care about snow removal and clean water.

    I told him he needed to see what happens in the next election....

    I hate to be right.

  9. I hope he didn't invest in her legal lottery as it does
    not appear to be the expected bonanza.

  10. What happened to your column, Mr. Heard? I read them all. Why did you stop?

  11. Your daughter Theresa hit the nail. She sounds a sensible sort.
    b-t-w, it was NOT by invitation only. Volunteer nominees were encouraged to bring friends, family and "community" to celebrate.
    Once again Mr. Know-It-All Watts jumps on a band-wagon (any old bandwagon will do) without getting the facts.
    Why do you humour him so?
    Are you just playing with him? I have heard that said, and now I'm thinking there is truth in that.


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