Wednesday 30 November 2011

Why Oh WHY

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why do you constantly refer to politics as a "Game". A game tells me that it is a hobby or recreation or a distraction. If you were serious about politics, you would consider it your job and not a game.
30 November, 2011 8:38 AM
Why do you constantly read my blog and suggest  meaning that is not there ?
And why do you still, after all these years and all  evidence to the contrary, continue to argue  I am not  absolutely  as serious about representing my community as they are about having me represent them?


  1. Serves us right for wondering where the nit-pickers
    had gone. Obviously haven't found anything better to
    do with their time.

  2. I guess the fact that you are not bankrupt or suffering upsets certain timetables. The final blow is that you actually get a kick out of what you do. Nothing offends like seeing you have a good time. Keep up the good

  3. I think that because you use flowery language it is hard for some simpletons to understand your meaning. We are not all priviledged with an O-level education.


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