Thursday 1 December 2011

Computer... Tab 1

I got up this morning not knowing if I would be able to post. Last night the computer was not doing anything  it was supposed to. When that happens all sorts of things get moved about. Buttons pressed with apprehension that  I know nothing about. The final desperate and only solution possible was to turn the damned thing off and let it rest.

So I lay in bed this morning with a post churning in my head and contemplated  having to  buy  a new machine. Possibly a lap top. Probably an Apple.Wondering what it would take to transfer everything stored. What  would an Apple cost. How long would it take to get used to a lap top.And would I????

 I finally decided I had to beard the lion in his den and got up.

I  pressed the on button.

The blue light came on. The tower did not purr.  The screen remained dark. The monitor,  turned  on its side last night was again turned  on its side. A plug was out. The wire was taut. Caught somewhere .

The desk wouldn't jiggle  because of weight. So nothing did nothing to loosen  the taut  wire.

Finally  the plug  was back into its socket. Screen still dark. Buttons on the side. Daughter had warned not to touch. Grand-daughter messed around with them plenty.

This morning I gazed at them long enough to decipher  words.

AHA ....One said power. Another said plus and another minus. Pressed power, then plus for good measure.

Lo and behold... not only did the screen light up,letters are larger and  they seem darker. That's something else I have wished for some time.

Last night  I gazed at  the non-responsive screen  and calmly contemplated the satisfaction of attacking it with my cane. The one with the heavy metal handle.

I silently warned, brain to brain.... your future is at risk.

This morning computer with  slightly tardy keys is once again my best friend and advocate.

If not exactly the  most trusted.

Now I can have my coffee and try to recover the post that was already written in my head before I opened my eyes this morning.


  1. Good morning, Evelyn,
    Call TRG right here in town. They take 'used'
    Apples when their customers upgrade. They will set
    you up and even make house calls. Owner is 'John'
    and he is incredibly patient.

  2. TRG Apple Sales and Service. Yonge South of
    They'll get rid of that tower thing.

  3. Evelyn,

    instead of thinking about getting an Apple as a huge
    step, why not just drop into TRG some quiet morning
    and 'play' with a few of their machines and ask all the
    questions you might have.Sort of like picking out a
    rescue dog, seeing if the two of you get along OK.
    Best to work with John although his son Adrian is
    no slouch.
    I think you will . be most impressed with the simplicity. No nests of wires, no tower, one unit with
    BIG clear print.
    Looking forward to a blog report someday as Evelyn meets Apple.

  4. Go for it. Small parking lot right outside the door.
    Take a kid or grandkid, you'll be just fine.

  5. Remember The Horse Whisperer ?
    Well, when TRG talks to Roger's, they actually
    listen and behave themselves.

  6. A good news story and not a beg for a handout in

  7. Never heard of them but clearly a case of Buy

  8. It doesn't matter if Evelyn decides to get an Apple.
    Maybe you should leave TRG out of this discussion.
    they might not appreciate all the attention.

  9. Thanks for sharing this fabulous story! Cheers!

    Sample Letters

  10. What business in this town or any other for that matter would complain about the attention on a blog or any where else especially when it is positive. TRG has been around for a long time. They are located right beside the old arena site on Yonge St. Very accessible.

  11. Evelyn,
    Maybe some day when you just want to get on with your own tasks and let people do the work on your Blog, you might consider introducing the topic of how
    it is assumed as we age that we become witless.
    A recent example was Morris hanging around the Senior Center figuring they would have forgotten what she did, But we all have funny peculiar stories about
    being lectured on topics that we know more about than
    the lecturee. Usually someone in health field but it is
    widespread. We have become people who can be patted on the head, sometimes literally.
    Save this for when you feel you need it, if you ever do.

  12. The former Council had members who were equal
    opportunity bullies. Age had nothing to do with it.
    They had the power and used it right across the

  13. Stereotyping is not restricted to age. Friends of our have a young, blond daughter who played on the British Junior tennis circuit for a few years. She was waiting for
    a middle-aged man to leave a piece of equipment. And
    I guess he thought he was being admired as he started to show off. After several minutes, she mentioned that
    he was now into her time with the machine. Pissed off, he dismounted.
    "Well, I guess now you expect me to haul off half of
    these weights,"
    " Thank you,no, " she replied. " I am going to have
    to increase the weight. "
    He left in a huff. The supervisor told her she had done
    well but asked her not to do it again.
    The man and his wife were regulars and good
    tippers, Could not afford to offend them.
    To that man, she was a stupid blond and he will not
    P.S The gym is not in Aurora. A bit to the north.

  14. In her own mind Phyllis Morris thinks she did no wrong and was in fact a wonderful Mayor with a long list of accomplishments.

    Her blog and her activities at the Senior Center and elsewhere are all pointing to 2014 when she will gather her troops and try to regain the spotlight and hope the voters of Aurora have short memories.

    I can think of 55,000 reasons why we should never forget.

  15. 55,000 reasons we should never forget Morris?

    Other than the legal battles, please list your top ten.

    I'm a senior, and see the benefits and handicaps of both Buck and Morris.

    As I see it Morris has a longer time line than Buck.
    I've voted for both.

    My peers at Aurora Seniors support my position. Unlike the cheese I do not stand alone.
    No person is above another.
    We all have value.

  16. I was in the place where we get our glasses for the
    re-installation of an errant lens.
    " At your age you should be wearing bracelets for
    your medical conditions and allergies so that the
    paramedics wills know what to do when they find you unconscious. "
    Long pause.
    " But I don't have allergies or any of the illnesses
    that use bracelets. "
    " Well then, honey, they'll just have to guess, won't
    they ?"
    After I left, I briefly considered the market potential for a bracelet marked Just Old .

  17. Anonymous 10:28 A.M.
    Why did you go and spoil such a lovely day ? I hope
    no one bothers to get into lists and accusations. Let
    Morris stand with whomever she pleases. That would be different from how she ran things when you were
    judged by your friends and their income.
    Get out and enjoy the day.

  18. I think 10:28 A.M may be a plant, trying to present as
    a Senior. No one real refers to "my peers" except in
    legal circles and the last three lines are placebo

  19. To Anonymous at 10:28 am

    'My peers at Aurora Seniors support my position'


    Please list your top ten.

  20. Remember Morris' tame retired lawyer who asked all sorts of questions and never supplied any ? I think he
    is trying to get back into the limelight via this Blog.
    Evelyn banned him and so did the Citizen after he
    called Richard at home. Of course, it could be just
    another ordinary Anonymous.


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