Tuesday 6 December 2011

I'm Up And Running Again

A friend brought  a keyboard that  functions. And Sae the Lord be thankit...it is compatible with my four years old software.

 I read the last post. It triggered  memories  of  Toronto computer scandal.

Millions of  dollars of computere programming was over-purchased while the  public servant  in charge  was  wined and dined and  transported and bedded by a computer salesperson; the brother of Ti Domi the hockey player.

A public inquiry costing the city $13 million  was commissioned by then new Mayor David Miller.

The result of which, the Province passed legislation giving  Municipalities  authority to pass whatever assupwards Codes of Conducts they chose to devise. With penalties yet. And appointments of Integrity Commissioners.

Then there was the six million dollar inquiry into Hazel McCallion's conduct in Mississuaga. That has resulted  in a Conflict of Interest charge being filed against the legendary iconic  leader.

All that money to call witnesses, swear them to tell the truth, days  and weeks and months bringing out  degrading evidence of greed and malfeasance.

I thought of  the Honorable Paul Martin,  Canadian Prime Minister, living  his father's dream. He  did the noble thing and ordered  an inquiry  into sponsorship scandals and personally paid the political price.

I am certainly glad I have a keyboard compatible with the software in my computer. 

Thank  You Friend


  1. Evelyn:

    Do any of the comments made on your blog, be they compliments or criticisms, ever get forwarded to the person or persons they refer to?

    You could do this either yourself, or if this would be too much, which it likely would, with the assistance of a trustworthy person.

    The comments could be extracted and possibly printed onto an email format, first as a draft, and then when there were a few accumulated, the comment-laden email could be sent to the appropriate person, with a request for a reasoned and timely response.

    Possibly a communications wizard like Christopher Watts could contribute his skills in assisting you to create the above sort of thing.

    As it is now, while there are many comments, we presume that even if they are read by the people to whom they are directed, they are ignored. And I'm not sure what if any are passed along by you even now.

    This seems to be a valuable form of communication that automatically hits the scrap bin.

  2. Congratulations !
    Now to get the print size increased.

  3. Congratulations !
    Now to get the print size increased.


If you've got a comment, this is the place to leave it for me. Please feel free to leave your name, or even just an email address if you'd like a response. You can also email me directly.