Tuesday 6 December 2011

The Point Continues To Be Lost.

Two keyboards later, I have discovered new hardware is not compatible with four year old software. Now I understand what Stephanie, my grand-daughter says about planned obsolescence"

very interesting observations Councilor , sort of drives home your point about the needless software program the town is buying , only multiplied by hundreds of thousands, Hits home when you see it for yourself                          

Probably the most frustrating thing about being a councillor is feeling absolutely convinced  about something  and being the only one.

$440,000 of taxpayers' money was spent. Additional staff will  be added. Licences will need to be purchased. Hardware  needed in the field to gather information which has never been needed before nor will  be useful in the future.

Not a glimmer of doubt mars the cheerful friendly faces around me.

Neither  a trace nor a scintilla....Zilch...Zero....Nil and Nada.

Last night during the planning presentation, new software was noted  to replace old software. New licences  for the employees.

Still the connection wasn't  made.

The budget process continues.... as in a state of somnambulance.

Each  director  makes a presentation and circulates a hard copy. Councillors gaze transfixed at the monitors while presentations proceed one after the other.

As each is completed, the Mayor calls for GENERAL, stressed general,  comments or questions. Then pages of details are contemplated.

A resolution already prepared is on the page before us.

"Move the presentation be received" and

"Move the budget be approved as is".

And so it comes to pass.

I am finding this lap top computer screen hard on my eyes. I just discovered, if I push the monitor back. the print is not so light  but it is still very small.

Tonight's agenda has a recommendation to award yet another contract to a consultant for $94,000, for extension of side-walks on the industrial parkway

Side-walks are a simple construct.

Recommendation is we spend $94,000 on consultants to design the sidewalks.

Not an inch will be built for that money.

Just sheets and sheets of paper will be produced covered with lines and figures.

Nothing that couldn't be taken ready made  from a shelf.

Nothing that couldn't be done by certified technicians  already on the payroll.

Who cannot now at the end of the construction season, be overwhelmed by work in progress.

Council may sleepwalk their way through that approval process also, under the kind and steady guiding hand of our Mayor.

Then wind their way home....to sleep....perchance to dream.... with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads.

At peace with the world.

Confident of a job well done.


  1. "Probably the most frustrating thing about being a councillor is feeling absolutely convinced about something and being the only one"

    Take our word for it you are most definitely not the only one. the rate payers are watching this operation closely.

  2. Your frustration with your fellow councillors and Mayor seems to have become quite wearing for you.
    Do you ever wonder why, even with this current council, you are set apart and alone on so many issues? It can't always be the others, Evelyn. Can it?

  3. When one sets oneself apart, it is easy to be marginalized.


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