Thursday 26 January 2012

It's So Silly

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Bric-A-Brac":


"Chris Watts expertise is the way of the future."

Not really. The future requires people with similar skills to be able to execute them without making an enemy of everyone. Believe it or not, you can't be right every time. He feels that his opinion is the only valid opinion. Personally his expertise is of today. The future will be different as technology evolves.

"Chris needs to think seriously at taking a seat at the table next term..."

I hope not. The last thing we need at the table is another diva that is not willing to work with others.

I think Watts' grade 4 report card probably said "Does not play well with others".

There's  a common perception  a person who chooses to express an opinion in unvarnished terms, is a person who believes there's is only one opinion  and of course, it's theirs.
How does one arrive at such  conclusion?

Where is the evidence that a person driven to express an opinion would deny anyone else[s right to do the same and the possibility there might be different opinions?

Why does  the critic not choose to refute the opinion rather than simply dismiss it with haughty rigeur?

Why does the idea  everyone should share the same opinion and "play well together"deserve to be considered seriously?

Why am I even responding to such nincompoopery?


  1. "Where is the evidence that a person driven to express an opinion would deny anyone else[s right to do the same and the possibility there might be different opinions?"

    The evidence is clear on Mr Watt's blog. He has stated many times there and here that the only way you can have a different opinion than his is to have your own blog, because he will not publish it on his.

    He is an internet-bully and even today Evelyn is a target of his rhetoric and quoting of other sites without any credibility.

    I beleive everyone should have an opinion. Unfortunitly, in the Aurora blog-sphere, there is no where to have that.

  2. Oh @2:10, but there is, there is. Start your own blog, It's simple. Evelyn has her blog, where she mostly posts. Chris has his blog, where he mostly posts. If you are rich, you can own a whole newspaper, and publish some letters to the editor, but perhaps not all of them. I suppose you could adopt a "speaker's corner" approach and set up a stump at the corner of Yonge and Wellington and act out your blog posts. The opportunities are endless @2:10 ... don't despair!

  3. "He has stated many times there and here that the only way you can have a different opinion than his is to have your own blog, because he will not publish it on his."

    Oh, did I now.

    I reference a multitude of opionons and back mine up with several others both here and on my blog. If I'm "quoting other sites without credibility" this poster certainly hasn't brought forward any examples, nor have they proposed ones they believe to be more credible than mine.

    I can't help wonder what it was that I didn't publish on my blog that this anonymous poster is upset about, but again there is no example so I guess that's this posters burden.

    Evelyn was hardly a target of my blog today, she was a topic.

    As for being an "internet-bully" we had one of those. His name was Robert the Bruce. I believe he even set up a mock blog where he maligned me a child-killer.

    But I guess it's easier for this person, like Robert the Bruce to apply labels to me when they themselves refuses to produce their identity.

    For somone who believes there is nowhere to have an opinon they certainly have made the least effort possible.

  4. 2:10 says "I beleive everyone should have an opinion. Unfortunitly, in the Aurora blog-sphere, there is no where to have that".

    Oh really and this rant of yours is not an opinion.?

    get back to your knitting it might be more therapeutic , ah but then again its only an opinion

  5. 2:10 PM
    You make your own opportunity, no one has to provide you with one. The opposition in Aurora is well padded so please don't cry poverty. Is it your contention that Evelyn is wealthy,has media influence or has some sort of special access? Look at Anna's Living in Aurora and then tell me she hasn't earned the right to do exactly what she does, combining her love for the town with photography, Yep, and I bet you've had a tougher life. Not. You are not entitled to a damn thing. Get off your duff and earn it.
    By the way, your spelling is abysmal. Punctuation
    sucks too.

  6. Mr Watts....
    "As for being an "internet-bully" we had one of those. His name was Robert the Bruce."

    Please leave me out of this fight. While I enjoy reading this blog once in a while, I have retired from participating due to many reasons.

    Robert the Bruce

  7. "Enjoy reading once in a while?"
    To read comments inside a thread suggests somewhat higher frequency.

    To suggest he has retired from participating through participating by commenting is irony only RTB would miss.

  8. Oh My goodness, I thought Robert the Bruce had died and that everyone knew it but me.

  9. To suggest he has retired from participating through participating by commenting is irony only RTB would miss.

    What does that mean?

  10. Isn't it ironic.... Don't you think?

    Ironic maybe but just to let you know that I am not part of the argument - don't know why I was brought in.

    As far as being dead.... Not yet.... I am keeping up the fight on a daily basis and waking up on the right side of the dirt.

    Sorry to disappoiont :-)

    Robert the Bruce

  11. Hey RtB.... I heard about your battle, hang in there and keep fighting, hopefully you can restart your blog once you've declared victory.


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