Thursday 26 January 2012

Mardi Gras In Aurora Is Spectacular ..Kudos To The Ladies Who Organise It And The Contributors Who Make It Happen.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Bric-A-Brac":

I saw the recent Mardi Gras articles in the paper. I wonder where Evelyn and particularly Christopher Watts stand on this event? I would ask Mr Watts on his blog but you need to sign up in order to post anything, I am not prepared to do that.

It seems to me that this event is as elitist as some of the other events that Mr Watts has issues with


Mardi Gras at the Mansion (Di Nardos) is a spectacular event. I went as a guest to the one before last.
I sat at the table of the ladies who organised the affair. It was a magical evening.  The decor was magical. The ambiance is breathtaking. People wore costumes and masks.

Everything was donated. Funds  raised were for the cancer centre at the hospital.

It was only elite as far as people who supported the cause, were willing to contribute and have a wonderful evening of fun and entertainment while they were at it.

Everyone involved should be commended. They dun good.

I've tried to comment to Christopher's posts. I was willing to sign in. I have never figured out how to do that. Not sufficiently computer literate I guess but not inclined to blame Christopher for that.


  1. "In time for someone else to take the credit..."

    Isn't that a very telling statement?

  2. "It was only elite as far as people who supported the cause, were willing to contribute and have a wonderful evening of fun and entertainment while they were at it."

    How is this any different than any of the events with Councillor Ballard's involvement that have been slagged here as being elistist? I see a double standard.

  3. 2:03 PM
    What is 'elistist' ? I can think of many terms to describe Councillor Ballard. That one escapes me and spell check objects too.
    Opps, just noticed you have an 'ignore' next to your comment. Dreadfully sorry.

  4. There is a sign in, just like on other blogs, or sites, and there is a Facebook link so I'm not sure which preparations are so daunting that would prevent someone from commenting on my blog.

    I really don't know what to think about the Mardi Gras event. Never been. The pictures in the paper year after year of the mayors dressed up look like an evening of forced sillyness for a bunch of fuddy duddies.

    Looks like something right at home in the Cultural Centre.

  5. "Elitist - A legend in his own mind, or a large frog in a small pond.

  6. The photo of the Mayors in fancy dress includes the one from Georgina who is suing a well-respected employee, now former employee, for defamation. We are judged by the people with whom we keep company. Wonder how Mayor Dawe felt. I hope he cringed at the proximity.

  7. How is this any different than any of the events with Councillor Ballard's involvement that have been slagged here as being elistist? I see a double standard.

    I don't, most if not all of the other cultural events like this are held on the backs of the tax payers, over at the culture club, last time I checked this one is for raising money not siphoning it out of the public purse ,Wheres the double standard . Think about it !!!

  8. Fine for Christopher to mention his sign in. but he forgets who he is addressing. Some of us are what they term nastily as refugees from the Mormac purge. We saw the Citizen stand toe-to-toe
    with the lawyers and physical threats. And we have learned to be careful of ourselves and others. It is simply a matter of trust and that has to be earned. Christopher has earned our respect and admiration. He has not been bloodied to defend anonymous bloggers, his family have not been intruded upon and his life is stable. So, forgive us our non sign ins.

  9. Anonymous 8:33 PM

    If you want to earn trust then the only suggestion I can offer is use your name.

    I may not be "bloodied" but I do recognize that what I say often makes people uncomfortable.
    Perhaps what makes it most uncomfortable is that I'm an actual person, not just some psedonym or mask.

    I'm not sugesting that by using your name it will gurante respect and admiration (of which I appreciate) I expect I have as many people that side against me as I do that would side with me.

    That isn't going to stop me from sharing my opinon, if anything it helps.

    The AuroraCitizen should indeed be appluded for its legal action and ultimate victory.

    In contast it is difficult to forgive an Anonymous blob that won't take a stand. So I wont.

    You're only a refugee as long as you label yourself as one, or let others, myself included.

    We wont know what you really think if you're content on hiding inside layers of the past.

    I don't believe I have forgotten at all whom I am addressing, every day I am becoming more aware.

    You can be too.

  10. 8:33 PM
    That sums it up perfectly. I think Christopher will understand us better if he takes your comment to heart.
    Time to move on to more interesting topics.

  11. 1:08 PM
    Christopher, I think that comment was about You earning trust. And you have not done so. The fury over being asked not to meddle on Evelyn's Blog and losing the battle over the condemned house shows why people might be reluctant to sign in.
    And you only know what you read and infer about what stands Anonymous Bloggers might take. There is a world of inter-action beyond the Blog. You have not been asked to participate as you are judged to be a 'wild cannon'.

  12. Someone please tell Mr.Watts that the horse is dead and he should stop flogging the poor thing.


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