Friday 6 January 2012

Holy Toledo Batman

to Anonymous 6 January, 2012 1:03 PM

Perhaps. But CRA is a Government organization, they make the laws and they go after the taxpayer. This situation is reversed - Shit doesn't flow uphill!

I have stopped reading most of this stuff because it's the same sort of "fighting City Hall" stuff that you are wrapping yourselves into and while it's fine to complain, no one has the capacity do  anything about it.

I suggest that someone with a common sense head on his or her shoulders (and without the emotional reaction that most have) talks to someone at the Toronto Star - they like to dig into government crap like this.


This blog is not written in code. Anyone who reads it can take what they want from it. It's written by a member of council who is not hiding behind a pseudonym. People can find me. They know where I live. I have a seat at the council table

Aurora Banner ...Toronto Star ...Globe and Mail ... National Post ... Toronto Sun.. they all know I'm here.

A Councillor has but one vote. I started writing the blog eight months into the last term. When it became clear there was nothing left to lose.

No working relationship with the Morris regime to nurture.

No opportunity lost by the regime to emphasize my irrelevance.

So I sought a role and discovered Blog. It was always waiting in the wings.

It was a marriage made in heaven.

The gift that kept on giving.

I turned my attention to informing the community of what was not obvious from spectator benches. I filled in cracks and crannies. Explained nuances. Provided background. Answered questions. Without fear or favour,I called a spade a spade.

Readership grew.

During elections people greeted me with laughter in their eyes and urged me to keep it going.

Some said they couldn't start the day without reading my morning post. If I don't get to it. I make up for it with two or maybe even three posts another day.

The political environment, already rancid, became a toxic cloud that permeated the community.

There was fear in the town and in the town hall.

Knowing I was there, helped people to cope. They knew it couldn't go on as long as the community was aware. Nor will it happen again now we've discovered how it can be stopped.

Still, strings hang loose.

I submit, a couple of people with more than a little common sense and a lot more conviction of what is right and proper, have taken it farther than a sly whisper in the ear of a reporter who may or may not receive permission from an editor to follow the money.

Court action is pending.

Whether or not The Joker above chooses to follow the blog.

Holy Mackerel Batman!


  1. "This blog is not written in code. Anyone who reads it can take what they want from it. It's written by a member of council who is not hiding behind a pseudonym. People can find me. They know where I live. I have a seat at the council table."

    It may not be code, but it is not always accurate. You have the knack of excluding some items of fact or embelshing others. There is nothing wrong with that but media outlets like "The Star" consider this blog a political-motivated commentary rather than an accurate portrayal of the reality of council. If a member of staff had the balls to speak to someone at The Star rather than a politically motivated councillor, the story would gain more traction.

    I know a newspaper reporter, and while she is not on the York Region beat, this is what I am told.

  2. Wonder whose feathers have been ruffled by the banter of the past 2 days ? Was it the mention of the CRA ?
    The latest comment about what " The Star " thinks is odd. I doubt if anyone reading here is the slightest bit interested. And we do not expect " The Star " to be interested in us.
    We have plenty of media coverage already. See the Citizen if you need a refresher on what goes on in Aurora.

  3. "It may not be code, but it is not always accurate. You have the knack of excluding some items of fact or embellishing others"

    Just once it would be nice if someone could provide an example of a not so accurate account, it would be refreshing. give us something to chew on , an embellishment, an exclusion of fact . anything, just one

  4. Good Grief ! How many people have written to you ?
    Looks like a truckload of sand. Hope you can pan some gold nuggets out of it.

  5. Why do you think no one who writes comments on your blog uses a name?
    If everyone thinks they/you are on to something of merit, why no name?

  6. @5:55. Exactly what I was thinking.

  7. 9:30 A.M.
    Names are not needed. This is not an ego trip or competitive Blog. As for being 'onto something of merit', just check out the last election and the slow careful unravelling of the damage done to Aurora. There is merit in mere patch-work even if it gets damn tiresome at times.

  8. For 9:30 A.M.
    You did see how well the Morris list of bloggers went in court or did you miss that ? The days of lists died when Sher and her crew drove around writing down who had Dawe signs on their lawns. Get over it. What ? You care who we are or are you unable to understand what we are ?

  9. Where did all the stolen Dawe signs go ? We had 2, then 1, then none. Got two more and they were taken. Kids in a van skulking on the street. But the entire street went out to vote and we aren't usually movers and shakers.

  10. The Anonymous bloggers Society is alive and well, with the possible exception of the one who threatened Morris with an elephant. I always thought that had to be a relative given that the post was on her personal controlled website.


If you've got a comment, this is the place to leave it for me. Please feel free to leave your name, or even just an email address if you'd like a response. You can also email me directly.