Friday 6 January 2012

What A Tangled Web We Weave

The conversation flowed fast and furious over the issue of unaccounted funds raised for the July 1st Parade in 2009.

Stuff like that is not forgotten.

The Citizen Blog gave residents the opportunity to ask questions without being drawn into a political argument with friends, family and co-workers. Queries were for the most part,polite and reasonable and seemingly confident of a response.

Still no answers were received.Refusal was steadfast. Even the town administration erected a screed of inaccurate assertion.

The July 1st Parade Sub Committee of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee suddenly became the Christmas Dream Team.  As a private organization,it had no obligation to account to anyone and therefore staff had no authority to request an accounting.

According to posters,the Christmas Dream Team was apparently not numbered  as a charitable organization.

On the other hand, the July 1st Parade sub- committee of Council had been functioning as such for years. The event was annual. Funds raised after months of work by members and volunteers were a matter of public record.

Meetings were held in the Town Hall. Reports were submitted to the Leisure Services Committee, chaired by former Councillor MacEachern, and forwarded to Council on Town stationary.

A comment I found on the Citizen Blog yesterday stated succinctly what people in the community understood.


Anonymous said...on May 31st 2009

What I find interesting is there was advertising for a silent auction and items could be donated for "The Canada Day Kick Off Party". If in fact items were donated for a silent auction,then those funds would most definitely not belong to the organizers but to the entity of which they were raised.Can anyone tell me if in fact a silent auction took place at this year's event? And if so what happened to that money?And were the individuals who donated the items advised that funds raised would be used to offset any loss experienced by the organizer? I shall wait patiently for the answers to arrive but not with baited breath.


It was indeed wise not to wait with baited breath

What I find interesting is there were seven members of the committee.Unless some of the anonymous comments, like the one above, came from a committee member unwilling to ask the question directly,there is no record of reaction from any committee member.

I did hear from one member who resigned out of concern for how affairs were being handled and probable consequences.

Otherwise all efforts to clarify the situation were frustrated in the most unlikely places.

Silence reigned.

Until the question of the silent auction was raised again on July 6th 2011.

This time to be answered by myself.

Hence the search and summary.


  1. That marked their first successful not-for-profit foray and they have never looked back. Which is why
    genuine fund raisers in Aurora are being met with a jaundiced eye by embittered taxpayers. Wouldn't it be a remarkable coincidence if the Scheme Team, the Arts Festival and the Cultural Centre all shared the same accountant ? Just asking.

  2. I agree. There is also evidence of a determination to exclude local service clubs and groups that have been around forever. Nor is there any guarantee offered that any possible tiny profits could remain in town.

  3. It was a money/power grab period.
    And it would have been successful were it not for that damn Evelyn and her endless questions. Who does she think she is anyway ?


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