Sunday 2 September 2012

Thank You For This

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Well I never":

Jay Leno's monologue on The Tonight Show: "Clint Eastwood said he got the idea earlier in the day when he saw John McCain talking to an empty chaise lounge at the hotel pool."

Jon Stewart's Daily Show: "This is the most joy I've gotten from an old man since Dick Cheney non-fatally shot one in the face."


I think Clint Eastwood concluded the Republicans wanted him on their platform to do what he  does; his  unique brand of sardonic humor.Like John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Jimmy Stewart  and other vintage Hollywood stars , he never has played any other role but himself.
Not like Jack Nicholson.
So Mr. Eastwood came through.The Republican audience loved him. They laughed. 
Oh My, how they laughed. It  made them  seem less Republican.
But not their candidates .
They've been stumped.I think.
Mr. Eastwood has been a municipal politician..
Jon Stewart's reference to age reminds me of the late  Ronald Reagan's comment  to a rival  during an earlier election campaign.
"I won't hold your age against you"
If  Stewart  is lucky, he will still be doing what he's good at  and doing it better  in another thirty years.He will still be lightening people's lives.
I'm still looking forward to Letterman.  

1 comment:

  1. Reuters/ Ipsos Poll
    Romney's bounce from convention seems short-lived.


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