Saturday 1 September 2012

Well I never

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Untitled is a great title for this-
Clint Eastwood has become The Ugly American personified. All these years & I thought he was ' acting'.
Holy Doodle ! [ can't use the words at hand ].


If the Republicans lose this election and looking for the moment the campaign came off the rails. they need look no further than their celebrity Hollywood guest.
Last night was a surreal moment. 
Politics  geared to  religion.  A candidate and family perfectly suited.  Lovely people. Well intentioned. Loving wife, glowing with sincerity. 
A Bishop of the church on the roster of speakers.
Five  fine sons being interviewed. Does he  have no daughters? 
Then last on the list, Clint Eastwood.The  Icon  of Hollywood Taciturn, with his famous quote.
"Make My Day" 
What else would he say?
He did indeed make it his day.
We may never know if the dithering prelude was an act. 
He didn't seem  bewildered.
Acting is his trade. Timing is everything. 
So the question is... well I don't know what the question is. 
The audience roared appreciation of his off- colour reference 
Was it reaction to previous, seemingly endless hours of  bland and flavourless tedium?
Or  response to the unexpected, the outrageous , the stuff of comedy?.
Whatever it was,the  response was  positive. But to whose advantage? 
I waited for the Letterman treatment. His show was a repeat.So  I am left to anticipate what  will  surely take the place of Romney's  Irish Setter  travelling on the car roof. 
Michelle Obama said, the night before, she never watches speeches lambasting her  husband. 
I'll bet  that one  gets replayed .
It will undoubtedly become a classic.
What a gift.! 
Better than John Mc Cain's choice of vice-presidential nominee.  


  1. Another ray of hope? Ryan lied twice in his speech to the candidates. Once about when an operation had closed in his town - blamed it O'bama who was not then president. And then he lied about how long it took him to run a marathon. There is a neutral fact-finding group which checks ALL speeches'. The item on Ryan's marathon comments was labelled ' Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire.'. Maybe a ray of hope?


  2. Go to New York Times via Google and look at Op-Ed's in upper right hand corner. Click onto "Dowd" - Maureen Dowd.

    This is the funniest commentary on a party's political pretensions that you will ever find.

    Makes ole Clint look like a statesman.

  3. Jay Leno's monologue on The Tonight Show: "Clint Eastwood said he got the idea earlier in the day when he saw John McCain talking to an empty chaise lounge at the hotel pool."

    Jon Stewart's Daily Show: "This is the most joy I've gotten from an old man since Dick Cheney non-fatally shot one in the face."

  4. August 31, Jon Stewart Show is priceless!

  5. Three frightening things about the U.S Election:
    The enormous amount of money being spent by all parties and their candidates. It is obscene given the economy.
    The tiny separation between the two major parties to be found in all polls, tossing the election into the hands of undecideds and people who may not even bother to vote. and
    The length of time between now and the election during which both parties will likely become even nastier.

  6. Leno is still on? Thought he was cut years ago?


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