Saturday 13 October 2012

The Draft Agreement is On Hand

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "We Are Getting There":

9:56 PM
I am just getting to this. It sounds very much like there is STILL no new working arrangement. Something has apparently been proposed as of several weeks ago. It has not been accepted as yet, at least not outside of a possible closed session. And it might be on the G.C. next week. Hence, the initial comment about there being no existent working agreement would be the correct one. No? Lots of things are in the hands of Council. Doesn't mean they are in effect.

Here's a re-cap.
In March, Council directed staff to meet with the Board of the Culture Centre and develop a new working arrangement for management of the Culture Centre.
The one we had was  not acceptable to the majority of Council and the community.
That section of the Art community of the Greater York Region,
dependent on giveaways, was hugely charned by it. It catered to their wildest dreams of fame and fortune.No other municipality had anything like it.
They rallied to the cause and the Culture Board in opposition to Council taking action to represent the interest of the people forking out close to a million dollars a year in taxes to support the special interest of  art and lofty culture.
Even while other  people in the community  can't afford to put food on the table and pay exorbitant property taxes.
But I digress. 
The Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Leisure Services were authorised to meet with two board members and draft a new agreement. 
The draft was ready and circulated to Council a couple of weeks ago for time to digest. 
Item 11 on the agenda of this week's general committee is the mew draft.
It is 73 pages long. 
It is currently on the web site with the  agenda. 
Anyone  with  a computer  who is on line can access it.
I am not sure you are automatically on line if you have a computer . That's why I qualify that last comment.
The draft is recommended  to Council by staff .
Council will discuss the pros and cons and make the decision.
Until the following Tuesday, when Council is likely to  make the final decision,  the community has opportunity for input. 
Read it and let us know your reaction. 


  1. "Hence, the initial comment about there being no existent working agreement would be the correct one."

    No, it wouldn't. Both parties are still operating under the terms of the original legal agreement.

  2. Another month or so and Aurora could have produced a child! Last flipping March!

  3. Sorry, Evelyn. The communications are messed up as usual. Must be beyond their job qualifications. Council member claim we should have more communications. Sure, but not anytime soon.


  4. Is this report double-spaced?

  5. Just read the agenda for the GC meeting, however there is no embedded link to the Draft Agreement. Can you provide the link?


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