Friday 12 October 2012

Wild Speculation And The Historical Society

There has been wild speculation around Allison's show. 
I'm not  going to publish any more about it.

Aurora Historical Society  has a membership of over one hundred.
At the time they withdrew commitment to the Museum, the reason  was small membership. 59
That shocked me. 
Since then, I  heard  membership grew .. 
There's a Board of  8 Directors . 
And an executive committee.
Directors have regular meetings, organise events, work on the events and solicit support.
There's an annual membership meeting.
The function of the executive is  not clear There may be five members
Maybe one of them can  give us an outline of the structure  nd how things function. 
There's an employee  business manager who also serves as curator of Hillary House. 
Regular grant from the town is $50,000. Because of  the Hillary House Sesquicentennial , this year the grant was double.
There is irony here. The house wasn't built in Aurora. 
Historically speaking,  a practice was to build  on  a lot outside the boundary  to enjoy the amenity of making  a living in  the town  and escape paying  town  taxes.
Obviously, there's much I do not know.    .


  1. I will not speculate about Our Town other than to congratulate Alison on the superb job she did as host. Whatever reasons are behind this loss to the town, I am absolutely positive that they were sound. We will miss the program.

  2. 8:55 AM
    " Ditto "

  3. O.K. But it is difficult to shut up when there is a large Blip on one's radar.

  4. To 12:34...

    ever thought of asking her yourself?


  5. Didn't Chris Watts do a breakdown on the society's financial statement vis a vis what services they provide to the Town for said grant?
    I understand your daughter is on the board, so perhaps she can enlighten.


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