Friday 12 October 2012

What's Next Aurora

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Game Is On": 
What a bunch of reactionary crap.
 "Secretive Meetings"? How was it secretive? It seems everyone was invited, some chose not to attend.... that does not make it secretive. 
So what Alison is no longer hosting a show. Maybe she quit - she does have a real job. Are you saying that Rogers took her off the air because of the stupid "Notice Board"? ....... ..... people, think a little.
Meetings  with individual Councillors in  private as opposed to public makes them secret .Nobody knows what was said. What was offered. Or accepted.
It's a tactic. Not very original. And a bad idea. 
A pitch  is made by  several  people to one person.
A  Councillor is one of nine. A Councils is the sum of its parts.  Decisions are made by majority vote
After all sides have been heard in a public debate.. 
As we saw on Tuesday,  two Councilllors were first up to bat to  endorse the proposal without  debate . They had no interest in listening to different  aspects . Even less in  receiving input  from the public.
Strategy for meeting singly and secretly with these two  was  entirely  successful.
Councillor Ballard is  consistent in his willingness to surrender assets.. Church Street School and close to a million out of taxes annually. 
The 5 acre hydro property, needed and used by parks was given away for ten years without a termination clause  to  Queen's York Rangers for" the kiddies' as the former Mayor described the cadets.
Parks  was turfed. 
Mosely Park and funding for  a family enterprise to fence in on the August  holiday week-end ,to make money hand over fist.and  band stand  too without user fees. No wonder  the Councillor  was a special guests . They certainly  knew they could trust him to protect their interest. 
Now he wants to give away  the hydro asset fund to a couple of property owners, one a real estate broker, for some crazy scheme with no other purpose but to siphon  funds out of the town treasury.
Councillor Gallo is in lock-step but Councillor Gaertner has yet to state her position. 
We know  Suzanne Reiner, President of the Historical Society, works with Susan Walmer, master organizer of skullduggerry on the opposite side of the angels.
The Historical Society was said to be  promoting the project.
They were not. 
My take is the Historical Society and others were used to give the scheme respectability.
Which it doesn't. 
We've seen it all before. 
Rogers Cable had nothing to do with Allison's show. 


  1. Good Grief! No one said anything about Rogers. It must be the dreadful weed again. Makes everything look scrambled. Reactionary all over everyone else's comments.

  2. I went slumming this morning while the wash was in. Ballard's site is virtually unchanged since my last foray. His poll question is about truck colours. Seriously dated. He can't seem to get that thing to work for him which might explain the periodic chirping of texts.

  3. The Aurora Citizen blog has long been in a state of suspended animation. Waddup wid dat?

  4. The proponent of green trucks has his picture in the Auroran with one of them. Good stuff even if it seems small.

  5. Question, please.
    Why did staff and The Stooges keep fighting about truck colours ? It was like the turmoil over a piece of playground equipment that went on & on.

  6. I don't go there. Did you check the # of votes? E won that round in good fashion.

  7. 7:53 PM
    My apology. I didn't think to check Ballard's poll for the number of votes about truck colour. I feel that my visits are an intrusion on his space. It would have been interesting =wasn't thinking.


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