Friday 12 October 2012

We Are Getting There

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Jesus, Mary and Joseph":

"We cannot even get a working agreement with one of the ones we already possess."

Care to disabuse this commenter, Cllr Buck?


Councillors have received a  recommendation  from  the town/ board committee  for a new management structure for Church Street School.
It was provided  a coule of weeks ago,  in order for Councillors  to be thoroughly familiar with the details before our own determination on the issue. .
The committee was directed to work out a new arrangement.  Authority was not given to sign  a new contract. 
No doubt , we will  get around to it soon.
Like next Tuesday.
I'm told, it's on the agenda of the general committee meeting.


  1. So, in essence, the first comment was correct. There is still an inability to get a working agreement with the Centre. And the second comment is ruled out. Where's the beef? Does the resident nit-pick have some information that Council members do not possess? Maybe a secret working agreement? Horse feathers !

  2. 3:55 PM, did you not understand the part about a new agreement being in the hands of councillors for the last couple of weeks?!

  3. "So, in essence, the first comment was correct."

    No, it was completely incorrect - making it (and you) essentially wrong.

  4. 9:56 PM
    I am just getting to this. It sounds very much like there is STILL no new working arrangement. Something has apparently been proposed as of several weeks ago. It has not been accepted as yet, at least not outside of a possible closed session. And it might be on the G.C. next week. Hence, the initial comment about there being no existent working agreement would be the correct one. No? Lots of things are in the hands of Council. Doesn't mean they are in effect.

  5. Here is what I see. There is a " Proposed New Agreement " & probably not a Modest one. This at a time of budget crunch, taxpayer anger & a cloud that has to be dispersed about proper internal accounting procedures. What appears to have been lost in this discussion is the bizarre length of time it has taken to get to even this stage. As well as the contortions Staff & Council have been forced through in the process. It has been a complete fiasco. Wrong from the very beginning.

  6. I look forward to the day when the new agreement is signed and sealed. So, no more need for constant regurgitations of differing versions of events, no more vitriol and vindictiveness, no more pot shots from the peanut gallery, and no more bitching and moaning.

    Just a brand new agreement, complete with a shiny clean slate. And those that persist in their negativity can just STFU.


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