Wednesday 21 November 2012

As You Like It

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It's Not The Deal":

Evelyn, you say things like this all of the time... "It's hard to persuade Councillors who don't know what was, to understand how things ought to be."

Why is it that what was should be? Things evolve. Municipal government evovles. Just because we did someting 40 years ago a certain way means we should still do it.

You really need to take a step back and look. Change is not a bad thing and if it get's things done, it's a good thing.

I am of the opinion some things should not change. 
The right to choose Councillors and delegate your authority is not something to be easily surrendered 
It was a hard fought right by my grandparents' generation. Not so long ago in my book.
If you want a Council to exercise no independent judgement ,. just let them know. 
 It's a lot easier to  nod one's head and bleat
 "Yes Sir...Yes Sir...Three bags full sir"
If  I receive advice without merit ,don't expect me to accept it without raising a hullabulloo.
It's my nature to point out flaws in an  argument  and to fight for common sense to prevail.
Judging by the number of times I've been elected, by several generations I might add , I think it might mean, I am not alone in that perspective.    


  1. OK. I have been trying hard to follow this discussion but there would appear to be a problem. So I will word this carefully. In the past while, a # of ideas have emerged with fanfare seemingly from nowhere. There was the anti-kids-smoking, the college campus and now this centre for youth. None of this has been discussed around the table to my knowledge. The construction work that might be going on in the old library. Which leads to a possible conclusion. Could these plans be originating from Staff with the help of only one or two on Council? If so, the problem is one for the entire Council to investigate. I did not elect Staff to represent me and some of these schemes do not sound like the Council we elected.

  2. Your critic say, " If [change] get's things done, it's a good thing ." What does that mean? What are the things that this change is supposed to get done?
    A contrary argument is that change without a valid reason risks failure.

  3. "It's my nature to point out flaws in an argument..."

    Hey, mine too!

  4. Evelyn, you say things like this all of the time... "It's hard to persuade Councillors who don't know what was, to understand how things ought to be."

    That statement sums up Councillor Buck in a nutshell.

  5. Mayor Dawe's article in the Auroran is a trifle unsettling. He doesn't come across as a Budget-Slayer. Instead he ruminates about other municipalities that have drastically cut their budgets and then suffered consequences. Well, we are not Mississauga and I for one would like to see some serious activity around the budget negotiations. If you start off saying the something cannot be done, there is little chance to achieve it. All this other stuff is just window-dressing that we cannot afford and do not need.
    Feel free to not print. Been a bad day.

  6. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the U.S plus a cease fire ? in the Middle East. Maybe a day of rest ? Thank you for the past few days.

  7. "If I receive advice without merit ,don't expect me to accept it without raising a hullabulloo."

    This works both ways.... you always expect everyone else to accept your advice. That is wrong.


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