Wednesday 21 November 2012

We Have A Movie Theatre

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Form The Sublime To The Ridiculous":

IMHO, the youth are not looking for a recreation or fitness centre or a place for music, crafts or anything of the such.

Ask them what their favourite place to go is - they'll probably say the mall. Why, because it's where others their age are hanging out. It's where there is shopping - electronics, the Apple Store, cell phone kiosks, clothing & shoes. They are looking for a place to hang out away from parents, teachers etc.

It's not "if you build it, they will come" - unless you are building an
You want a youth centre in Aurora - build an indoor shopping mall and you'll see the youth flock to it.

You think I'm kidding don't you

No I don't think you're kidding  There's truth in all the opinions expressed. Young people come in  as many shapes and sizes   and interests and personalities as the rest of us.
If we remember what it was like to be  young and trying to figure out who youwere. We know it wasn't  the best time of our lives. 
There is  an urgent  need to be where others are. 
To act out, if the urge possesses you.  Sometimes without warning
A shopping mall presents opportunities.  Lights, music, activity , crowds.  A chance to observe without being observed.
If any  centre  had lights,music, people, activity, a chance to participate, or not , observe without being noticed.,would it have to be a mall. 
Could it not just be a people place without shopping as its purpose. 
Although, that's an enjoyable past-time too. 
I don't remember Councillor Pirri  talking about bring a movie theatre to town. We already had a movie theatre. 


  1. We have to figure out some way for Evelyn to get paid per word like the old newspaper writers.

  2. That wouldn't be fair, 7:47 PM. She often repeats herself, so it would be double-dipping, triple-dipping, and so on...

  3. 10:06 PM
    Who said anything about being " fair " ? Like writers don't repeat themselves all the time? Lighten up!

  4. "Lighten up!"

    I was, 6:04 PM. It was meant in jest.

    Now, follow your own advice.


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