Monday 12 November 2012

Is There A Public Right To Know? I Think So.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It's More Than Curiosity":  
"This is an interesting reaction. Guilt or innocence ?" 
How is this interesting? There is a definitive accusation being made that someone is guilty of prove their address. Otherwise they could be guilty of violating the eligibility for office.  
There are no accusations here.
Nothing can be farther than the truth. How can you make this statement with a straight face? 

You also stated that if someone knows something, they should tell the Town. Well, it seems like you know. Why don't you tell someone at the Town?
I most certainly do make the statement with a straight face.
If the Councillor's new address is within the community,  eligibility to hold  office does not change. 
I do not know where the Councillor resides.
The onus is  not mine to provide information to the Clerk.
The onus is not the Clerk's  to inquire
Responsibility rests with the Councillor in question, to inform the Clerk of an accurate  change of address..
What I said was, the law provides,  a citizen  aware that  a Councillor  no longer resides within the municipality, has authority to  call upon the municipality to declare the seat vacant.
As a Councillor. I am not aware that has happened. 
I am aware the Councillor  sold  her home. .
No accusation can be made about that. 
The question is asked in the community and a statement  made,  the Councillor no longer resides within the municipality. 
Considering eligibility to hold office hinges upon the answer, I believe the question needs to be answered. 
It is not a private matter. 
It is the public's business.      


  1. Why is your critic making this such a big deal? It is not. Nor has anyone suggested it. Tempest in a Teapot from the usual source. There is nothing wrong with being curious.

  2. Over the past weekend, the temperature in Toronto was warmer than any since 1938. Sounds like some of that hot air has addled someone's brains. We will find out eventually where the Councillor is planning to live or currently living.
    No one is in a panic or rush to judgement.

  3. A Legal Copycat?
    Mayor Ford's lawyer has said that he will argue that his client's remarks were made during a heated election campaign.
    Sounds very familiar & established the SLAPP precedent.

  4. It is quite wonderful that Aurora has The Auroran. Imagine relying upon The Banner for anything related to news or information.

  5. To 7:41 PM
    We have cancelled home-delivery of the Banner. Since they are located in Newmarket, it takes a simple phone call to them. you will need your area code. It works or has for the past 3 weeks.

  6. 9:08 AM
    Hooey! Do Get Your Own Blog if you know so much about how one should be run.

  7. At 12:15 PM
    You do seem to have a real problem with humour.


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