Monday 12 November 2012

It's Due Diligence

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It's More Than Curiosity":
So why don't you ask the Town Clerk to check this simple matter by referring to title documents/tax rolls etc.?

If Gaertner is no longer a property owner nor a resident of Aurora appropriate steps should be taken to request her immediate resignation as a member of Council.
It's not the role of the Elections Officer to challenge information provided to him under Oath.He has no investigative authority. 
A requirement to swear under oath  must be  considered sufficient to guarantee accuracy of   information provided.
Legal responsibility is not reduced when an address changes.
Last time I went to vote in the municipal election, I was required to produce photo identification to prove  I was who I said I was and lived where I said I did.
Failure to maintain a current address on one's driver's  licence is an 
offence under the law.
Establishing one's continued eligibility to occupy a seat on the local Council can surely not be considered less of a  liability. ..     

1 comment:

  1. It is a simple matter to check tax rolls/title documents.

    If the Clerk is not the appropriate party to do this, possibly the Town Solicitor is, and if not he, then someone.

    What was sworn under oath two years ago might no longer be valid due to a change in circumstance. This is quite understandable.

    Possibly Gaertner should state where she now resides and whether she owns property in Aurora. If the latter, there is no problem.

    Surely an elected councillor who swore an Oath of Office plus whatever other sworn undertakings are given is responsible for coming forward to state whether circumstances have changed so as to effectively disqualify from holding public office, should this be the case.

    This is not rocket science.


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