Tuesday 27 November 2012

The World Spins

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Rob Ford's Folly": 
Who knows? He might run again and be re-elected. Unless Olivia decides to run. It does seem heavy-handed and I would be concerned about Hazel M except that she does not plan to run again. Nice for a place other than Aurora to be setting the precedent.

I'd bet  on it that he will run again and be elected. 
But what a waste of  time and money when so much waits to be done.
Rob Ford is an uncomplicated, unsophisticated, straightforward individual. Some might call him a bull in a china shop. It would not be fair.
He didn't steal money. He didn't vote to put money in his pocket. He didn't offer or accept  bribes. 
He is a huge thorn in the side of the righteous and easily offended    in and outside of Toronto.
He didn't need to vote to reject the  finding of  Toronto's Integrity Commissioner that he repay  $3150  in  donations  for equipment for  the Separate High School football team he coaches in his "free"time. 
It was a majority without his vote. 
But he did vote.  He strongly argued  the Integrity Commissioner's decision was ridiculous. Because  he believed  that to be true, He refused to tippy-toe  around the issue..He is not dainty. 
Rob Ford is a pretty bloody typical Torontonian. That's why he's  the Mayor. 
Chosen from a substantial slate of candidates .
So the Conflict of Interest Act allows him to be expelled from office 
In a city of millions ,with a bigger budget and population than many provinces. Where the cost of a byelection is said to be seven million dollars.
In a Province where months ago  another Mayor was  tried  for votinto financially benefit of her son's real estate firm and the decision is still pending.
Where throughout the GTA , various Mayors have " Mayor's Charity Fund"openly established.
Even if they have not used public resources to raise the funds, which I  doubt, they are using the title of  Mayor to solicit.
What developer in need of support from the Mayor is going to refuse a request for donations coming from  a sitting  Mayor?
Funds  from developers and companies doing business with  municipalities is undoubtedly the core of funds distributed to  charities in their communities. 
The United Appeal has a Board made up almost entirely of billionaire developers in the GTA. .
Political parties hold banquets and sell tables for thousands of dollars to raise funds .
Who do they solicit to buy tables of eight or ten?
The same  from whom the Mayors solicit  support of course. 
Dinners are held in private homes. For several thousand dollars a developer can break bread with and bend the ear of a Premier. 
It's not done secretly. 
People know about it.
The media knows about it. 
Millions of dollars are raised that way.
There is no shame.
Awards are presented.  
Yet the Mayor of Toronto,  raised the piddling sum of $3,150 to buy equipment for a football team  he coaches in his spare time , is  "kicked out of office " for daring to say :
"It's ridiculous to tell me I should return the money out of my pocket. The money is gone. It was used to buy equipment for kids who  didn't have it."
I watched  on television. 
I'm with Rob Ford .And the electorate of Toronto.
If the decision to kick him out of office  he won fair and square,for acting on  a deeply felt conviction on behalf of kids in need, succeeds in setting precedent and creating case law,  then the   "law is an ass".  
On top of that it negates the people's right to choose.. 
Where does it say a Mayor must be handsome, debonair, sophisticated , intelligent ,charming, clever enough to skirt the law and sufficiently ruthless to compel people under their authority  to compromise their own  professional integrity?
Where does it say people should deny intuition in making a choice between candidates ?  
Nowhere that's where.  
The Aurora decision, yet to be made, becomes even more critical.     


  1. The initial loud reaction in Toronto was jubilant, tweets of utter delight. Now the sober thinking ones are being heard. The word ' draconian ' is being used to describe the harshness of the penalty. It is going to take a long time to straighten the mess out. The amount of money involved is easily understood. People can relate to it and to its use. They are just realizing what the witch-hunt has achieved. An enormous drama
    for us to watch.

  2. I don't think this is a matter of money, it's a matter of principle and law. He broke the rules, was ordered to make restitution, he then chose to ignore those orders and brought the issue back to council and didn't excuse himself. Totally and completely out of line - I can't see how you can argue in his favour and be so against Morris. Both she and Ford believed themselves to be above the rules, they were both "willfully ignorant" of the rules and both should pay the price.

    How do you reconcile your position?


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