Tuesday 27 November 2012


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Pray Tell":

1:44 PM The reason for one case to reflect upon others is simply legal jurisprudence. Called case law. There is very little case law dealing with municipal conflict of interest cases. Hence, all cases quote from the same files. The Ford case is now a part of that history. And, it will be used in ALL future cases of the same kind. To further elaborate would be take too much time, but
no sensible lawyer fails to use all available information.
The Ford verdict is fairly lengthy and has plenty of interesting points.

Thank you for this comment. 
Where can we find the Ford verdict?
Regrettable as it may be, stuff like this captures public interest and makes all of us more aware of the ins and outs of public business.
I hope teachers are using the issue to allow students to get their teeth into something  more substantial.
Premier McGuinty is seen to be steering clear of the controversy. 
He may not have the luxury.  
The Conflict of Interest Act is Provincial. If the Ford decision 
derives from a flaw in the law,  the Province  will have to fix it.
We may anticipate a statement from Conservatives and the NDP.
It will be a feast for conversation for months. It will be an election issue.
Unless the McGuinty government moves to fix it fast which they don't look like doing. 
What does or doesn't happen to Hazel McCallion will help to fuel the fire.
The decision made in our own neck of the woods will make it  even  brighter and more illuminating.         


  1. The Ford Verdict


  2. You can find a copy of the decision here:


  3. The Ford Decision can still be of use for the other 2 cases. I expect copies went pronto to both of the Judges involved despite protests from those in opposition. It wouldn't have been possible without the internet. It will help/hinder depending on your position.
    I'll refrain from pointing out which teams will be pleased.

  4. Another McGinty messed up. ///His comments about conservatives in Ottawa from Alta. cost Liberals votes in the Calgary by-election. I thought they were supposed to be bright guys.


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