Thursday 10 January 2013

Only The Stupid Ones

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Mental Exercise": 
This is just another in a series of disparaging posts. Why do you have such disdain for university-educated, professionally-qualified people?
I do not have disdain for all university-educated, professionally-qualified people.
Only the stupid ones. 
A study done at Guelph University a couple of years ago, determined  fifty-three percent of university graduates cheat to obtain their degree. 
Worse still,  university faculty are aware of the cheating and turn a blind eye.
I have no problem accepting the results of that study.
I   often  pondered  the  question of how a person exhibiting  no sign of rudimentary  intelligence or judgement  managed to obtain the degree of education they claim. 
On the other hand, much of my education has been from the opportunity to associate with people who do have intelligence judgement, professional expertise and are always willing to share.       


  1. Oh, my mistake, I thought it might be because you didn't attend university and have no professional qualifications.

  2. It's not just university.... I know of a person (now a university graduate) that attended a well-known private school in the area (let's say it was in the country).

    This person wanted to attend a particular university because a friend was going there. Well, the grades were not quite up to par. A call to a senior official of the institution was all that was needed. Instant upgrade!

    By the way, graduated university in 5 1/2 years instead of 4.

    Go figure

  3. " No Professional Qualifications "?????
    Looks like the gloves are off ! I would wager that Councillor Buck's credits are a great deal more impressive than those of 5:02 PM. Certainly she spends her time to better effect. She did, of course, get elected.

  4. We seem to be experiencing back-lash from the earlier discussion about Councillor Ballard.

  5. Quite obviously 5:02 PM is one of those stupid ones you reference, either that or one of the defeated ones. Oh my mistake, they are one and the same

  6. Just an observation. A lot of the angry posting has a strongly slanted sociological angle. Didn't Councillor Gaertner get a degree in sociology back when Margaret Mead was Queen Bee? What has she done with it since then?

  7. To 5:02

    I find it amusing how often people that don't like this blog keep coming back to take shots. Why don't they just comment on Councillor Ballard or Phyllis Morris's blog ? Oh ya, they don't allow comments.

    I'd love to see the balanced approach of moderating we would see from Ballard or Morris. I have no doubt that they would set their version of the gold standard.

  8. 10:51 PM, I find it amusing that not only Cllr Buck's world revolves around Morris. Not everything needs to be related to the disgraced, former mayor.

  9. Any response to the trashing of constitutional rights undertaken by the government in response to teachers?

    Or is freedom of speech the only right worthy of defense.

  10. To: 11:38 PM

    Agreed. Not everything does have to revolve around the disgraced former mayor or her supporters, but we can't possibly ignore the three lawsuits that are underway and the legacy of the previous council.

    There is every indication that Phyllis Morris, Chris Ballard, Wendy Gaertner and John Gallo (plus Alex Vander Veen and one or two other letter writers) feel that the previous council did nothing wrong.

    Pot shots continue to be taken from various people and the proof is on this very blog, in the letters that continue to be sent to the local papers and at the council table. If we don't stand up and share our views and challenge the what I think are the very clear attempts by some to re-write history and twist the facts, history could well repeat itself.

    This won't be over until the political attacks and spin doctors stop following the resolution to the three legal cases and the next municipal election. We can only hope that they will all be decided decisively.

    As far as I am concerned, I think that a very strong message needs to be sent to people who appear to want to hold others accountable while not apparently being accountable to the same degree they wish to impose on others. We are talking about nothing less than the interpretation and application of the town's Code of Conduct, the Charter of Rights, the Municipal Act and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

    We’re moving in the right direction but we shouldn’t dare to turn our eye away from the accountability that is warranted in order to protect our basic democratic rights and good government.

  11. The head of the Toronto District School Board has resigned. It seemed his plagiarism goes back a couple of decades to his doctorate. Leaving at a time of financial scandal and labour unrest, where will he find employment?

  12. No one has a live that revolves around Morris. She is yesterday's news, only of concern when damage from her tenure oozes to the surface. Which is far too often. There are still serious house-keeping issues before Council and the Morris Wrecking Crew has 2 more court cases on their dockets. She should have folded her tents, all of them, after losing the election.

  13. 10:51 PM
    Thank you. I had not known that Morris had a Blog again. The original was called 'Veritas ', I believe, which meant she could have nothing to say of interest to me. Truth would be a long shot. Please let me know if you ever encounter an apology on your visits.


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