Thursday 10 January 2013

Bibendum has left a new comment on your post "Not Here, My Friend":

5:15 PM, has a point. If Cllr Buck and other fans of Chris Watts are often 'pumping his tires,' those that disagree with his views and/or style will seek to deflate those metaphorical Michelins
So, somebody sends in a flash...Chris has a post up...
Next thing you know, there's an anonymous swarm of hornets ready to sting it to death.
What's that about? 
Neither I nor anyone  needs to pump Chris Watt's tires. It's one of his attractions. He is supremely confident of his views 
His langiage is strong. Sometimes shocking. 
Get used to it.
He makes no apologies. 
He takes no prisoners.
Is there room for such a personality in our small community?
I'd say so. The more the merrier.
And may the devil take the hindmost     


  1. It annoys some that Christopher does not give a continental about what they think. His numbers will tell him exactly how many of the carpers are regular visitors to his Blog.

  2. The metaphorical Michelin argument falls flat if you ask me !


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