Monday 21 January 2013

Ask And Receive

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "MUM...":

"We are already paying all the costs.
And making none of the decisions ."

What exactly are the decisions you want to make? Is it not the role of a Board to make decisions in running the place?

All this talk about the Centre and how it's out of control, I still don't know what The Town wants to do with it. If The Town knew what it wanted, why did it not put that into the agreement

The  community knew and supported  the function of  Church Street School when the decision was made to spend $2.3 million to renovate for  a state of the art museum. 
When $750,000. was obtained for a heritage grant to maximise the function as a museum.
Cultural events, compatible with the museum  were to be 
part of the program when the  public investment was made.    
After the contract was signed, a decision  was made by the board to exclude the museum from its traditional home.
Seed money to get the operation going, was  changed in the contract to become annual operating fund with built-in increases. Mitigating against any  effort to become self-sufficient.
No public debate or information was voluntarily provided to indicate the change in direction. 
No  rationale ever offered.
Good faith conspicuous in its absence. .  
The  Board President has stated in public he has never, in a year of negotiation, received any suggestion  the facility should become  self-sufficient.
How the original agreement was written bears little credit but itis history. 
How the current agreement with a twenty-thee- year term, to be endorsed by Council  to-morrow evening, rests securely at the feet of the current council.
It can be challenged within the next twelve months.       


  1. I think you can tell your critic that the time for quibbling over possible questions taxpayers might have has passed. It is too late to tweak little bits and piece. The whole thing is out of whack.

  2. The board made no such decision re the museum -- they were given a cultural services agreement to follow and they did so to the letter of the agreement according to Abel's and Pirri's audit which the tax payers paid for

  3. This is going to be up-hill all the way. In the Auroran, Mayor Dawe is quoted admitting that $1.00 a year for 25 years is a bad deal for the town. Then he announces that he supports the deal. And he was going to be the great negotiator. Go Figure.


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