Monday 21 January 2013


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Litany of Unholy Events":

He may make a great deal of money but he also going to lose it just as quickly as the lawsuits pile up. There will be no opportunity for him to enjoy the proceeds. He is Toast.

Isn't there a law against jail birds profiting from their crimes?
Is there a crime ?  
Can a student be charged with cheating?
Could the former Director of Education be required to pay back
remuneration  received while he was pretending to be something he was not? 
Is the Board responsible for having a phoney in that job?
How much were they paying  someone who wasn't  who he appeared to be ?    


  1. Has the former Director of Education been charged with anything? Has he ben found guilty in court?

    I think the TDSB is equally at fault for hiring the guy in the first place. What kind of vetting of candidates do they do?

    Final question though. Did he do the job that he was paid for?

    There is a movie called "Catch Me If You Can" - based on a true story. It's amazing how people adapt.

  2. The former head of the TDSB received a little more than he would have gotten if he had finished the next 7 months or so on his contract. There is likely pension money. There was no provision for repayment of anything he received in the past. On the other hand, it is very hard to see him getting another decent job. The Internet will make that impossible IMO.

  3. GOOD. Time to sit down and sift through what you have collected. Sleep would be cool too.


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