Wednesday 2 January 2013

Check This One .

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "How Do You Describe Culture ?":

I notice that they make no mention of another possible full-time member who might be paid under the table. Our very own delightful Nasty who pounces first thing every morning and clocks in at the end of the day. There is no need to mention such little items - no one is accountable. I believe the original plan was for it to become a councillor but that got derailed at the polls.


  1. Don't be gullible. These are the repeated ravings of a fantasist.

  2. Wow there is a stretch. Who exactly do you think this "Nasty" is?

    Just for clarification, is Nasty the same thing as Snark?

    Just looking to understand. As a frequent watcher of this blog I see that anyone with a decenting opinion is cast aside as part of MorMac or was a Snark and now Nasty.

  3. Looks like that shoe is pinching someone. A solid hit.

  4. "I notice that they make no mention of another possible full-time member who might be paid under the table."

    There is a very good reason that no mention is made - such a position doesn't exist!

    Please feel free to join the real world at your earliest convenience.

  5. 1:33 PM
    Quote offending tidbit, offer rejoinder with no evidence, add zinger. Gotta break that obvious pattern.

  6. "Gotta break that obvious pattern."

    Sure, right after you get over your obsession of responding to it.

  7. Snarky Snark = Nasty = Anonymoose = ??? = ???

    Any others.....?

    My God, what a bunch of paranoid people.

    I'm going to go hide in my bunker until the Newmarket Jazz Festival starts. The Era-Banner's citizen of the year will be there!

  8. 5:12 PM, I think you forgot Dung Beetle (an example of what passes for civil discourse around these parts).

  9. Susan Morton Leonard ???


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