Tuesday 1 January 2013

How Do You Describe Culture ?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Did I show You This Aleady": 
"It's not entirely clear how the vote will go."
Oh, I think you know. Why else the repetitious, desperate attempts to affect the obvious? The term 'whistling (I'm being polite) in the wind' comes to mind.
"My view is, it should be flushed away ,never to be seen again."

Your (minority) view is well known - you've only shared it innumerable times. One year starts as the last ended ... and to no avail.
It has this avail :
Each  time it brings a commenter rearing forward  on  hind legs to thrash away at the "whistling in the wind"  threat of termination of a  nefarious agreement that had to be slyly slid through without  public attention or a legal review by the town solicitor of the day.

A contract  can be  legal and still represent only one party. if the other party has sold out their interest for a mess of potage. 
The community was not  served by the architects of  that  agreement
Any more than the community is served now.by what is proposed as  a new agreement.
The commenter  makes an assumption that  my view is a minority.
It certainly is not, as his is. 
I do  have authority to speak for others. 
People who may  themselves have sought explanations from Councillors and the Mayor over the holidays for the logic of handing out all that money, surrendering  a valuable asset plus maintenance and utilities for all of a  dollar a year.
I have yet to hear the logic. And I have a ringside seat. 
For the  purchase of what
Culture, you say. 
How  is that defined? 
How is it different to programs provided in town facilities over the past fifty years?  
Paid for with user fees from facility users. 
Not filched from taxpayers' pockets without as much as a by-your-leave. 
Folks who understand very well the difference between paying one's own way and  demanding others  pay it for you.  
Our language is rich with  descriptive phrases. "Whistling in the wind"  is cited. 
"Spitting into the wind" is even more expressive.  
Parasitic scavenging, bottom -feeders, fly-by-night operators are  all phrases to fill  the  vacuum created by  failure to  reason.
I  tend to avoid calling people names. It's too easy to respond and slide down that slippery slope. 
The agreement offered for Council's consideration does not serve the  interest of the community at large. 
It serves a special interest group with  nothing whatsoever vested  in the community at large. 
They have  no requirement.
They were not elected for that purpose. 
Not like the Mayor and Council.     


  1. Someone referred to the Board as simple Contractors providing services. That is patently not true. They are Extractors using Aurora's money to present themselves as Patrons of the Arts. They are replaceable but will fight dirty in order to survive... the Centre will get along nicely in their absence if that is what Council decides. It is, after all, Aurora's building and funding.

  2. I notice that they make no mention of another possible full-time member who might be paid under the table. Our very own delightful Nasty who pounces first thing every morning and clocks in at the end of the day. There is no need to mention such little items - no one is accountable. I believe the original plan was for it to become a councillor but that got derailed at the polls.

  3. As far as I can see, there are no qualifications other than living in Aurora. One is selected, not elected, by one's peers. Who were selected by their peers. The only common denominator seems to be the experience of sitting on boards for various non-profit, non-physically demanding groups throughout the Region. What used to be an Old Boys' Network is now open to women willing to follow the rules. We can do much better.

  4. Tired of the Tiresome Interloper1 January 2013 at 21:35

    "The agreement offered for Council's consideration does not serve the interest of the community at large.
    It serves a special interest group with nothing whatsoever vested in the community at large."

    No, it only serves every one of the 55,000 people lucky enough to call Aurora home - and at much less cost than a Town-run operation would.


  5. This might be too dense for the people at the Centre. Or possibly not, for they appear quite dense themselves.

    "Culture is a powerful human tool for survival, but it is a fragile phenomenon. It is constantly changing and easily lost because it exists only in our minds. Our written languages, governments, buildings, and other man-made things are merely the products of culture. They are not culture in themselves. For this reason, archaeologists can not dig up culture directly in their excavations. The broken pots and other artifacts of ancient people that they uncover are only material remains that reflect cultural patterns - they are things that were made and used through cultural knowledge and skills."


  6. This might be too dense for the people at the Centre. Or possibly not, for they appear quite dense themselves.

    "Culture is a powerful human tool for survival, but it is a fragile phenomenon. It is constantly changing and easily lost because it exists only in our minds. Our written languages, governments, buildings, and other man-made things are merely the products of culture. They are not culture in themselves. For this reason, archaeologists can not dig up culture directly in their excavations. The broken pots and other artifacts of ancient people that they uncover are only material remains that reflect cultural patterns - they are things that were made and used through cultural knowledge and skills."

  7. The original contract possibly written by the former and an assistant with law background was the joke that got us into this mess.

    May I suggest we have a few staffers who are still supportive of the past rule.

    Yes,it was rule and a 20 year contract is about the same type of control.

    I see a pattern here and remind any councilor who votes in favor to remember the last election.

    There also needs to be a few changes at the Town Hall of those at the top.


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