Thursday 17 January 2013

It Was Not Said By Me

Anonymous saud
So you are saying that because Pirri lives at home with his parents, his views about using tax payer money are not valid? 

By extension, does that mean the he should not be a councillor because of his living arrangements?
I would think that if someone has the balls to get elected, regardless of their living arrangements, their views are as equal as anyone else.
I did not say that . You did.
By the by, people without balls get elected all the time. 
Usually it takes more than balls.
Reminds me of a wise saying I heard years ago:

It's not about what's between the legs. 
It's about what's between the ears, boyo.

Talking about the boy wonder,  reminds me of another report on
Tuesday's agenda. 
The director of Environment and Infrastructure reported to Council that removal of chicanes  on Mark and Spruce Street  means
homeowners can have street parking back. 
Putting signs up will cost $400. 
It  represents the cost of labour.
D'you re-call when Council and staff traipsed out to two high schools a few weeks ago for a phoney- baloney  pretend Council meeting to show  students how a Council  functions. 
Well it didn't of course. But everybody thought it was a wonderful and charming idea. Including  school functionaries. 
A contractor was hired. 
Councillors were seated behind tables. Each provided with a microphone. 
A  sound system was set up.  It didn't work at Williams. Councillors couldn't hear a word  being said.
I was frozen. 
It didn't matter because except for Mayor Dawe and Councillors Abel and Pirri, there was neither opportunity nor requirement for Councillors to  participate.
We  were merely  the props and backdrop.  
We were an hour each at Williams  and St Max
The whole shebang had to be packed up at one school and set up again in the other. 
There was a crew of manpower , including  crew boss. 
All kinds of equipment and vehicles for transport .
It too at least four hours of work and more for wait time which  also has to be paid for.
The CAO and the Clerk  lost a day's work  at the office. 
I'd be surprised if  tha stunt cost less than $10,000.
Make no mistake, it was nothing more than  a stunt. No practical advantage whatsoever.
Council was never  informed how much it cost. 
But  we were informed on Tuesday  that it costs  $400.  for  town manpower to erect a bunch of street signs. and presumably we were giving approval for the same.
The whole thing  at the schools was Pirri's idea with full support from the Mayor.
Anybody  in the least bit unenthusiastic(moi) was just  lacking in  verve and  imagination.... and testosterone as well  I suppose.
Lord Give me strength ..          

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