Thursday 17 January 2013

I AM NOT Just A Pretty Face

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Because":

Did you ask Tracy Smith for permission when you shared his e-mails?

 I did not. 
It appeared to me, Mr. Smith's communications had all the elements of a classic bully.
I  didn't believe it was appropriate for him to address elected officials the way he did.
That kind  of  communication, in my opinion, does  not receive the protection of confidentiality.
That goes for anyone else who sends abusive communications and  believes I can be bullied into submission.
School yards are not the only place where bullies can be found. 
Classrooms, and Tours de France, not the only venue  for cheating to take place. 
Until recently,   a Director of Education  apparently thought it  was steal other people's work and claim it for himself.  
Sly, underhanded skullduggery happens  in all sorts of unlikely places. 
It is my mission in life to root it out and encourage people to examine it in all its ugliness.
Strike one for all  children and employees who have been mercilessly bullied  in the Town of Aurora in the last six years. 
Don't mess with me, m' man . I will strike you back. 
For I have a blog.
I am not just a pretty face.  


  1. Ah, Evelyn, but a pretty face you most certainly are!

  2. Tracey Smith sent items to Evelyn to be posted when he believed, incorrectly, that anyone was interested in him. Since then he has reverted to using his initials on correspondence. Can't fault him there. If I were a guy with a female-sounding name I might do the same. Still, there is a journalist with the Financial Times called Scheherazade Daneshkhu who manages to deal well with her monicker.

  3. When you are completely bankrupt of ideas to express -- it's always a last resort to taunt a person for an unusual name or other attribute -- the last time I heard this it was in grade two in the school yard! Speaking of bullies.


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