Tuesday 22 January 2013

Thank YOU

My blood pressure is  mildly elevated.The medication is not powerful. But I am taking care. I'm not hauling myself out to meetings that already have eight members in attendance to take care of business.
I don't flatter myself that Council can't function without me
I have the prescription and the pharmacy has been told. 
Thank you everyone for your concern  


  1. Glad you're feeling better.

    Can you say why the Minutes of the last GC Meeting, January 15, do not appear on the Town website?

    The Agenda for tonight's Council meeting state that decisions made at that meeting be received and approved.

  2. This is very interesting. Even if you are unable to attend a meeting, your Blog speaks for you. It's a cold nasty night anyway. Maybe your bug has done you a favour .

  3. How are you feeling today?

  4. Believe me Evelyn - Council is NOT the same without you! Please take care and I can't wait to see you back at that table where you more than any certainly belong!


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