Tuesday 22 January 2013


I'm sick. Have been for a few days. I can't talk without going into a fit of  coughing. My ribs hurt.My head has a steel band around it.
Before Christmas,the pharmacy didn't have enough  stock to fill my blood pressure prescription.
It's a tiny little diamond shaped orange pill. .I take one a day. 
I haven't had it for eleven days. I caught  cold.around the seventh day and now I'm  sick.
I hate being sick. Everybody around me hates it when I'm sick. 
Yesterday, I missed an all day budget meeting.
I will miss to-night's  Council meeting. 
There's no point making other people sick. 
Last night, after the word was passed along that I wasn't at the budget meeting and I had called in sick. I got the anticipated   witching hour comment, noting I wasn't too sick to blog post and  telling me what a waste of taxpayers' money I am. 
I had another comment yesterday complaining that I invite comments but  don't publish them. 
It's the only drawback about the blog. 
Inviting comments is like inviting  a person into my home. 
If I do that and a person accepts the invitation, should I expect  my guest  to be rude ,offensive and abusive
I don't think so. 
Just because you are anonymous and just because I invited you to comment, doesn/t mean you should forget your manners.
If you can't find the words to express your opinion with civility, don't bother. I won't publish it. 
I'm not into self-flagellation. 
Any more than I like to be sick. 
Not being able to talk without coughing doesn't mean I'm not able to write without thinking .
At least I'm not lying around feeling sorry for myself.          


  1. OK Just take care of yourself. You have surely exceeded yourself in dealing with that particular can of worms. And the existence of your Blog does not mean that every flake is entitled to lob smoke bombs onto it.
    You probably aren't going to like my suggestion that you take MORE than just enough time to recover. I cannot recall you ever taking a vacation. Please try although the garden won't be beckoning in January.

  2. As someone who takes BP medication, it is not advisable to miss more than a day or two. 11 days is excessive and dangerous.

  3. Judging solely by your escalating #'s and what I have been hearing, you have done all the spade work. There is absolutely no need for you to sit and watch a train wreck if that is what has been planned for tonight. Get into bed and pull the covers over your head.
    There are plenty of pharmacies in town. Get someone to call yours and tell them to get off their duffs. Their Customer Service sucks.

  4. Think about Adam's amazing trip to Korea. Not about our stupid Center.

  5. Evelyn, don't mess around with this year flu, once it gets you it can be bad especially the cough, not scaring you, so do whatever it takes to get well.

  6. Check. You might have an old steam kettle buried in the back of a closet.


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