Friday 11 January 2013

The Pot Never Stops Simmering

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION":

And a special day for Restorative Justice of some sort. That one blew my socks off. We are fortunate they were so relaxed about everything and didn't really bother to run in the election. Thought it was theirs for the taking. Touch wood.

Whatever makes you think they didn't  campaign?
The battle was hard-fought. Many people came together to ensure   they would not continue on their path.
Unfortunately, it's not clear those elected fully understood how it happened.
In an election, people get elected.  There's no place on a ballot to defeat a candidate 
People came together for a  serious and common purpose which  was by no means a foregone conclusion.
Electing a person to the office of Mayor without prior  experience has not been done before in Aurora.  
Those who worked so hard to ensure defeat of the gang are bitterly disappointed  those  elected, do not seem to understand  how they got there. 
We may have deluded ourselves into thinking everyone was paying the same level of attention to the town's affairs in the last term.
The next election will be an interesting one to watch.
When  people  put  their passion into making something happen, it doesn't sit well when it doesn't.
I hear Phyllis was at the Liberal meeting in the town hall last week. 
I believe Councillor Ballard and Mr. Whitehurst and other  friends are executive members of the party. 
I keep hearing rumours Phyllis will go after the Liberal nomination.
What will poor Robin do then, poor thing  
By the way, I do not claim university degrees or professional qualifications or expertise in anything except the busineess of life  and  my passion for  this town's affairs  for  the past half-century.
It seems to be enough. .          


  1. I think they simply did not realize that they were in danger until that all-candidates meeting with the Sports Groups. Only then, when Evelyn received great applause, did Evelina & Morris exchange worried glances. By that time, it was too late to stop the momentum.

  2. "Those who worked so hard to ensure defeat of the gang..."

    Which raises the question: In the next election, will Mr Aurora Citizen be backing a different, less able horse?

  3. 1:58 PM
    Did you not notice what happened to Mr Spence who kept quoting others without credit and contributed no new material to the articles, letters and doctorate that he caused to be published?

  4. "Those who worked so hard to ensure defeat of the gang are bitterly disappointed...."

    Why are they disppointed? Because the elected are not doing everything that, in their minds, they should do? Are they delusional?

    When someone throws their hat into the ring for election, the promises come fast and furious. At some point the candidate starts to say yes to every cause or idea thown at them in a bid to win. Once successful, the reality of what they got themelves into takes hold. They don't know what they are in for until they are there.

    It's always easier to be the critic on the outside looking in. "Walk a mile in my shoes" comes to mind.

    A lot of people on the boards have never had the opportunity to be on the other side, for that reason I discount the comments of most.

  5. 3:22 PM
    Most people do not give a hoot about municipal politics. It seldom receives even lip and vote service every few years. But, when they do pay attention and get involved, a silent vested interest is established. I doubt if many of the councillors have been bothered by a plethora of demands or even phone calls. That does not not mean the eye has not been maintained. In fact, it appeared that great care was taken from the start to allow the newcomers to get settled.
    This is no longer a new council.
    Oh, and yes, politics was learned the hard way close to home.

  6. Phyllis might want the Liberal nomination but she will not receive it. No one is going to run with a candidate that generates, " Launched $6,000,000 SLAPP lawsuit "
    when the name is merely googled. Not to mention the pages and pages of legal gobble-dee-goop
    that follow. She will merely be support-staff. Might even get paid.

  7. Have you "had the opportunity to be on the other side,"
    3:22 PM?

  8. The Liberals need to run with someone that can get elected and someone that the public can both trust and respect. They need to clean house with their local team before I will ever vote for them again.

    Despite being a long time Liberal there is not a chance that I'm voting for a weak local candidate or a team that is lead by the kind of people that think that suing residents with tax dollars is justifiable, despite the fact that the Charter of Rights tries to protect political free speech.


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