Wednesday 16 January 2013

We Were All Mistaken It seems.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Communication Lines Are Open":

The President really said that the idea of financial self-sufficiency had never been conveyed to him ? That is truly awesome. Does he live under a rock? Did Mayor Dawe never mention that tiny little expectation of Aurora's taxpayers to him? Does the Mayor also live under a rock? 

The question  was specific. I asked it.Im not sure  how long the President has been the President.Or even how long he has lived in Aurora.  He is the third president.   
Financial self-sufficiency was your expectation. and it was mine.  
It is  apparently not Mayor Dawe's expectation.
The Mayor Dawe  puts culture in the same category as soccer.
It should just be there at taxpayer's expense.
The fact parents pay hundreds of dollars a year for  a child to play soccer does not appear to be relevant.
The fact that teachers were withholding services and students were able recently to organize their own art show in  Church Street School  means everything to the Mayor. 
That he is able to enjoy a  performance of a world famous pianist without going to the Sony Centre in Toronto and having all that expense,  is enough reason to justify the burden on  the taxpayer.
The Mayor is adamant
Culture in Church Street School  is cheap at the price and something to be celebrated.
And so of course is the rest of Council. 
Councillor Tompson  offered  to be a member of the board if they will have him. I think I heard Councillor Humpfryes echo the same  thought. 
Everyone is very happy with the decision being recommended  to Council. 
The audience signified their pleasure with sharp and vigorous applause
The puppet- master didn't have to speak at all.      


  1. Sounds to me like a parent raising one kid differently because you enjoy his/her company more than that of the others. ALL organizations in Aurora should at least try to contribute to the tax base. This group cannot even conceive of doing such a thing. Tell me that isn't feeling ' entitled '.

  2. "The puppet- master didn't have to speak at all."

    To whom, pray tell, does this refer?

  3. No, not all of us were mistaken.


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