Thursday 7 February 2013


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PREDATOTS IN SUBURBIA":

I fully respect the years of service Ms. Buck has dedicated to Aurora, as councillor, mayor and blogger.
I believe she has lamented more than once about the lack of participation or downright apathy of the local citizenry when it comes to the goings-on at Town Hall.
But honestly, this post is so cryptic it would have absolutely no meaning except to the most passionate devotees of local 'silly games'.

I'm no Kreskin but this is what I think the post means.
The Sports Dome pays no taxes.
Council wants staff to re-do that deal.
I assume that means council wants the Dome to pay taxes.
Does that mean that the Legion and Soccer club will also have to pay taxes?
Apparently there is a "gang" that was out in full force.
What is it that they don't like?
Do they want the Sports Dome to pay tax or not?

I know this is a blog of opinion and not a newspaper but please don't assume that every reader is a charter member of the Aurora Political Club right down to the secret handshake.

Thank you for your interest.
 I try to keep in mind on-going issues need background before  update. 
I don't believe the community is apathetic. I think completely underestimate how public attention to town affairs:
On the questions you raise:
The town pays  Regional  and Education taxes on  the Sports Dome. 
The Director of Parks and Recreation  argues the property should be exempt  because it is still public property and used in a public/private partnership. 
The exempt status of the Soccer Club facility has only jnow been brought into the argument. 
I support  the Director. . Removal of the exemption  should have been challenged .
His argument fell on deaf ears. To add insult to injury, he is being held accountable by certain Councillors  for a contract  Council of  approved by Council.
Staff make recommendations. Council make decisions.
You are right.Staff  are being directed to re-negotiate the deal with a view to  having  the dome operator pay the taxes
The decision  is forwarded to  Council  to be ratified next Tuesday..
It was discussed in committee last Tuesday.
I think the town should challenge the decision to remove the exempt status of the property.
I have submitted two notices of motion to Council to be tabled next Tuesday,.directing the town solicitor to take ownership of the issue and do what must be done to restore  exempt status to the property. 
The soccer club at the south end of town is not the only comparator.
It is the perfect comparator.
We leased an industrial building to the Department of National Defense three years ago.  It had the potential of $69,000 a year  in tax revenues and twenty seven jobs.
Or conversely, using it ourselves for town purposes. 
The  rent  charged is less than a  potential tax levy and no jobs provided.
The Federal government is exempt from taxation. The town forfeited revenue when we literaly gave the building away.
Go Transit  built a huge concrete structure on  prime commercial land on Wellington Street. 
Publicly owned,  it is exempt from taxes. 
I could go on and on. But I think that's enough on the tax situation
There was a gang of six in the last Council. Incredibly, it seemed their intent was to do as much harm to as many people as possible in the time available. They spared no cost in maximum colateral damage. 
 I never understood  their motivation. 
Some of  the gang survived the election. I still don't understand what they are about. 
Making gratuitous enemies on every side is not my idea of  sound  political practice.
I'm always glad to have new people join our  conversation. 



  1. Apparently Mr Harper has kicked Senator Brazeau out of caucus. Really weird as usually he cuts his people plenty of slack.

  2. I am not speaking for or against what had been called the Gang of Six, but just to note it is always in one’s perspective as to whether good or harm is done by a decision.

    I am sure that none of them ever thought that they were doing “as much harm to as many people as possible in the time available”. Indeed it would be quite the opposite from their perspective that they we trying to do as much good as they could for as many people in Aurora as they could. And that it was the others on Council and in the public that were trying to stop their plans.

    Perhaps it is in their eyes that the Aurora voters were the ones in the wrong to vote most of them out.


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